Senior Technical Advisor - Research and Implementation Science in Tanzania

Service Objectives:

The objective of this position is to provide scientific and project management support for the implementation of scientific public health evaluation and research activities and to provide guidance on the strategy of implementing CDC Tanzania’s scientific portfolio.

Task Requirements:

Under this task order, the contractor will independently provide scientific support services to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/ Division of Global HIV AIDS Program (DGHA) and its partners in accordance with this statement of work. The primary objectives are to provide contractor services, deliverables, technical assistance and expert advice, as needed, to CDC Tanzania senior management team for the implementation science program.

• Technical Assistance (30%): Assists in the facilitation and coordination of scientific public health evaluations and research activities, both directly and in collaboration with the public health evaluation team, the Cooperative Agreement team, and program focal points. Offers support and technical assistance to implementing partners, in particular local partners, to successfully implement key research activities to the highest technical and ethical standards, while building their capacity to execute these studies themselves. • Capacity Building (20%): Engages directly with program staff on specific research activities to build their capacity to ensure high quality work and timely execution. Supports the writing of abstracts, reports and manuscripts through one on one mentoring and writing workshops with Tanzanian scientists, program officers, Fellows, and Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP) participants. The Contractor shall mentor Tanzania scientists at CDC and scientists at partner organizations and government institutions. • Scientific Review (40%): Provides efficient and timely oversight of the review and approval of all protocols, reports, and manuscripts in conjunction with the evaluation team and Senior Management. Ensure good communication of Associate Director of Science (ADS) issues between DGHA ADS, and in-country staff and implementing partners. Provides assistance in implementing the CDC /Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) policies for scientific review and assists in ensuring all parties funded by CDC are aware and compliant with the existing policies. Works to ensure that all science activities are carried out to the maximum ethical standards. Oversees reporting and management of protocol violations and adverse events to relevant bodies. Travels to and supports study sites and local partners during periods of site preparation and data collection preparation, implementation, and information dissemination. Specifically, tasks include:

-Develop and review non-research and research protocols; -Conduct scientific and ethical clearance for CDC-Tanzania (TZ), with Tanzanian ethical review committees/IRBs and with CDC Atlanta; -Assist with applications for federal wide assurances (FWA); -Serve as the liaison between the CDC-TZ staff and CDC-DGHA ADS office; -Follow-up on new and previously submitted research/non-research determinations, protocols and public health evaluations; -Review and provide CDC-TZ clearance of abstracts, research determinations, IRB protocols and manuscripts; -Develop and maintain up-to-date logs and tracking databases (develop tracking systems as needed) to capture activities submitted and in review; -Ensure that adequate work and review times for all products are scheduled and that timelines are adhered to at all levels of development and review; -Work with and support the technical staff to address comments from the DGHA ADS or Center ADS offices in Atlanta.

Coordination (10%): Interacts with the USG Office of Global AIDS Coordinator’s implementation science team, CDC Atlanta and country teams to ensure effective communication of research and science issues. Coordinate activities and communication involving relevant United States Government (USG) agencies and stakeholders to address problems and challenges with implementation of science activities and to develop corrective actions. Provide guidance and leadership to the Tanzania USG interagency implementation science technical working group regarding strategic planning of the implementation science portfolio with a focus on research.

Minimum Qualifications and/or Certifications:

• Graduation from an accredited university with a Ph.D. in Epidemiology or medical degree from an accredited medical school • Current HIV-related clinical experience in Tanzania will be noted but is not required • Demonstrated high level research expertise across the spectrum of quantitative and qualitative study design, implementation, analysis, publication and international human subjects issues • Three or more years of education and experience in HIV/AIDS programming, preferably in resource-limited settings. • Three or more years of experience working with PEPFAR funded programs preferred • Excellent time and project management skills • Level IV English proficiency required • Willingness and ability to effectively communicate in English (Speaking, Writing, and Reading) on a daily basis with various groups. • Level I Kiswahili proficiency (preferred) • Prior experience working in Tanzania (preferred) • Willingness and ability to work full-time and to be located in Tanzania strongly preferred

How to apply:

Interested candidates should email their cover letter and CV to

Senior Technical Advisor - Research and Implementation Science in Tanzania Senior Technical Advisor - Research and Implementation Science in Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 8:48:00 AM Rating: 5

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