Policy & Advocacy Manager Liason Consulting Nairobi

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Policy & Advocacy Manager

Our client is a Pan-African initiative established in 2007 and a member of the global Tax Justice Network that seeks to promote socially just, democratic and progressive taxation systems in Africa. Our client advocates for pro-poor tax regimes and the strengthening of tax regimes to promote domestic resource mobilization. The organisation aims to challenge harmful tax policies and practices that favour the wealthy and aggravate and perpetuate inequality. The main goal is to mainstream tax justice in the discourse of African civil society. The organisation provides a platform dedicated to enabling African researchers, campaigners, civil society organizations, policy makers, and investigative media to cooperate in the struggle against illicit financial flows, tax evasion, tax competition and other harmful trends in tax policy and practice.
Position Title: Policy & Advocacy Manager, Reports to: Director
Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya.
Overall Purpose: To proactively drive the link between country-level, Pan-African level and global-level policy and advocacy related activities campaigning for tax justice and transparency in international finance by ensuring development and implementation of appropriate advocacy programs.
Key Responsibilities

1. Spearhead linkages between country-level, Pan-African level and global-level policy and advocacy related activities campaigning for tax justice and transparency in international finance;

2. Develop a clear strategy of positioning the agreed policy and advocacy agenda and an implementation plan for its efficient delivery;

3. Identify policy gaps that require further research and work closely with the research officer to undertake/ coordinate policy research activities

4. Provide monitoring and analyzing of trends, initiatives and processes relating to tax justice across the continent and render strategic advice and guidance on policy implications to development

5. Develop and implement an Annual Operational Plan and budget as part of the process of achieving the annual milestones towards the outcomes and objectives of the Pan-African policy advocacy Program;

6. Develop and maintain sustained Partnerships and Alliances with Civil Society Organizations and work with partners and allies in African countries to ensure partners engage with national and regional bodies on taxation issues

7. In collaboration with the other stakeholders, support the preparation of advocacy materials, including policy briefs, position papers, communication messages, position statement and any other material relevant to the ongoing campaign;

8. Represent the organisation in challenging policy positions of donors and multi-lateral institutions

Qualifications and Key Skills

i. Minimum of a Masters degree in Economics or Business Administration from recognised

ii. Post graduate diploma or certificate on policy analysis will be an added advantage

iii. Professional qualifications in accountancy will be an added advantage

iv. Demonstrate proven exceptional ability in Policy & Advocacy with at least 4 years experience in advocacy programs within the NGO sector and social movement with international NGOs or institutions;

v. Demonstrate initiative and creativity; and be a strategic thinker with excellent inter-personal, communication and negotiation skills.

vi. Demonstrate excellent people management skills in a multi-cultural environment with specific knowledge and understanding of current tax trends in Africa

vii. Sustained experience in popular mobilization and Policy Advocacy work at International level especially on issues related to economic justice, other relevant issues;

viii. Relevant experience in policy analysis, lobbying and media work;

ix. Experience in networking and partnership and capacity in partnership management.

x. A strong understanding of managing operations in the private, public and development sector concerns

xi. Demonstrable network of contacts and high standing in his/her profession.

xii. Proven record of building effective partnerships and strategic alliances.

xiii. Experience in public policy engagements will be an added advantage

xiv. Fluency in spoken and written French and English is an added advantage

Applicants from both French and English speaking African countries are eligible to apply
Please submit your application and current CV detailing your experience for the post, current email and phone contacts to: recruitment@liaisonconsultants.co.ke subject “VA – TJN-A Policy & Advocacy Manager” not later than June 11th 2011. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Policy & Advocacy Manager Liason Consulting Nairobi Policy & Advocacy Manager Liason Consulting Nairobi Reviewed by Unknown on 1:11:00 AM Rating: 5

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