Lecturer University of Nairobi

University of Nairobi

Applications are invited for the following positions:-

Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing

Engineering -1 Post AC/5/204/12–(R&T)
  • Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in any of the following areas of specialization: - Solid & Structural Mechanics, Mechanics of Machines, Engineering Design, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Production Engineering and Material Science from a recognized
  • university.
  • They should have at least five (5) years teaching experience at both undergraduate and post graduate degree levels and must have supervised at least three (3) Masters Students to completion.
  • They must have experience in research as evidenced by publications in refereed journals.
  • In addition, they should have at least four (4) publications in refereed journals or two (2) publications in refereed journals and two (2) chapters in scholarly books since last promotion.
  • The successful candidates will be expected to teach and supervise at both undergraduate and postgraduate students and undertake research in their areas of specialization
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing

Engineering- 1 Post -AC/5/205/12–- (CAE)
  • Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering or an equivalent qualification.
  • Those who possess a Masters degree in relevant area of specialization from a recognized university and have at least three (3) years teaching experience at University level and have registered for a PhD degree will also be considered.
  • In both cases, they should show evidence of continuing research activity.
  • They should also be registered or registrable with the Engineers’ Registration Board.
  • The successful candidates will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students supervise research projects and undertake further research in their areas of specialization.
Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics & Child Health

AC/5/206/12–2 Posts- (CHS)
  • Applicants must be holders of a basic degree in Medicine (MBChB or equivalent) and an MMed degree in Paediatrics or equivalent from a recognized university and have at least three (3) years teaching experience at University level.
  • They should have research experience, with at least two (2) publications in refereed journals or two (2) chapters in scholarly books since last promotion.
  • They should show evidence of continuing research activity.
  • The successful candidates will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervise research projects and undertake further research in their areas of specialization as well as participate in providing clinical services at the Kenyatta National Hospital.
Lecturer, Department Of Animal Production

AC/5/207/12– 2 Posts- (CAVS)
  • Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in Animal Nutrition.
  • They should have research experience, with at least two (2) publications in refereed journals or two chapters in scholarly books since last promotion.
  • They should show evidence of continuing research activity.
  • The successful candidates will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students supervise research projects and undertake further research in their areas of specialization.
Part-Lecturer, Department of Lingustics & Languages–

2 Posts - AC/5/208/12 - (CHSS)
  • Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in Arabic Studies or Swahili Studies in the areas of Syntax, Discourse or Morphology from a recognized university.
  • Those who possess a Masters degree Arabic Studies or Swahili Studies from a recognized university and have at least three (3) years teaching experience at University level and have registered for a PhD degree will also be considered.
  • In both cases, they show evidence of continuing research activity.
  • The successful candidates will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervise research projects and undertake further research in their areas of specialization
Tutorial Fellow, Department Of Ophthalmology

1 Post :-AC/5/209/12-(CHS)
  • Applicants should be holders of an MBChB degree or its equivalent and should be enrolled and be actively pursuing a Masters degree in Ophthalmology or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
  • They must be in their first, second or third year of their Masters program.
Tutorial Fellow, Department of Animal Production

In the Following Units:-

Livestock Production Systems

1 Post-AC/5/210/12- (CAVS)
  • Applicants should be in possession of a BVM or BSC in Animal Production/Agriculture or its equivalent.
  • For BVM, they are expected to have registered for a Masters degree in Livestock Production Systems or its equivalent.
  • For BSC, they must have an MSc in Livestock Production Systems or its equivalent and are expected to also have registered for a PhD degree in same areas of specialization.
    The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate students.
  • He/she will also be expected to participate in Department/Faculty/college activities.
Genetics & Animal Breeding

1 Post-AC/5/211/12- (CAVS)
  • Applicants should be in possession of a BVM or BSC in Animal Production/Agriculture or its equivalent.
  • For BVM, they are expected to have registered for a Masters degree in Genetics & Animal Breeding.
  • For BSC, they must have an MSc in Genetics & Animal Breeding and are expected also have registered for a PhD degree in same areas of specialization.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate students.
  • He/she will also be expected to participate in Department/Faculty/college activities.
Tutorial Fellow, Department of Land Resource Management & Agricultural Technology

1 Post–AC/5/212/12-(CAVS)
  • Applicants should be holders of a Masters degree in Range Management, Botany or related fields with a heavy bias towards Plant Taxonomy from a recognized university.
  • Knowledge of molecular taxonomy techniques, biodiversity and Silvo – Pastoralism will be an additional advantage.
  • They should show evidence of having registered for a PhD degree.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to teach a few undergraduate courses in his /her area of specialization and take on other institutional duties as may be assigned form time to time.
Senior Technologist (Computer Lab) Grade DEF, School of the Arts & Design

1 Post- AD/5/213/12- (CAE)
  • Applicants must be holders of a degree in Graphic Design or Higher Diploma in Design or related field plus five (5) years experience at the level of Technologist Grade ABC or equivalent relevant position .
  • They should also have experience in Computer Aided Design in Graphics
  • They should be computer literate.
    The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate and assist undergraduate and postgraduate students in studio, workshop and laboratory work.
  • He/she will be expected to students the use of equipments and materials, maintain equipment and procure materials for use in the School.
  • They will be expected to be of high integrity and work under minimum supervision.
Senior Technologist Grade DEF, Population Studies & Research

Institute-1 Post- AD/5/214/12- (CHSS)
  • Applicants must be holders of a BSc degree or Higher Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Computer
  • Science or Information Technology or equivalent qualification plus five (5) years experience at the
  • level of Technologist Grade ABC or equivalent relevant position .
  • They should be computer literate.
  • Applicants must have skills and experience in data base and statistical package management programs such as SQL, MS Access, Epilinfo, ArcGIS, SPSS, STATA, Stella and Atlasti.
  • They must possess skills in programming using Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs), Tablet PCs and mobile phones for data capture and in the setup of Window Terminal Server.
  • They must also be knowledgeable in computer network setup, maintenance and security.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to assist staff and postgraduate students in data management, access and retrieval, and in data analysis, participate in departmental research and publication, manage computer laboratory and service institution’s workshops.
Assistant Procurement Officer Grade CD, Procurement Division

8 Posts-AD/5/215/12-(R&T)
  • Applicants must be holders of at least a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Marketing, Supplies option
  • or Business Administration), Bachelor of Supplies Management or Bachelor of Arts in Economics from a recognized university.
  • They must be computer literate. Reports from two referees are a requirement.
Secretary Grade B, Planning Division

AD/5/216/12- 1 Post -(R&T)
  • Applicants should be holders of at least a KCSE C or KCE Div. III or an equivalent qualification with a credit in English Language.
  • In addition they must have passed the following subjects offered by the Kenya National Examinations Council or equivalent examining body:-
  1. Business English III
  2. Business English III
  3. Commerce II
  4. Secretarial Duties II
  5. Office Management III
  6. Shorthand III (minimum 100 wpm) or Audio-Typewriting III
  7. Typewriting 50 wpm
  • They should have certificates in and be able to use Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Data Base Management packages and at least three (3) years experience as Assistant Secretary Grade A or a comparable position of responsibility for this grade.
  • They should have knowledge of Anti-virus Tools.
  • Those who have skills in typesetting will have an added advantage.
Technologist Grade ABC, Veterinary Farm

AD/5/217/12- (1 Post) - (CAVS)
  • Applicants should be holders of at least a KCSE Mean Grade C or KCE Division III certificate with credit passes in relevant subjects.
  • They must also be holders of an Ordinary Diploma in Animal Health and Production or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.
  • They must also have a Certificate in Artificial Insemination.
  • They must have at least three (3) years experience in farm work.
  • They must be computer literate.
The successful candidate will be expected to prepare student practicals, help maintain relevant instruments, participate in departmental research and other duties.

Please note that the appointment is on a one year contract term renewable on mutual agreement.

Records Clerk Grade IV, Department Of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacy Practice

1 Post- AD/5/218/12- (CHS)
  • Applicants should be holders of at least a KCSE C or equivalent with credits in English and Mathematics or equivalent.
  • They must have at least three (3) years experience as Clerk Grade III and must have shown merit and ability in work performance and results.
The successful candidate will be required to manage Department’s records and assist in analysis of students’ activities in the Department as per ISO Quality Management Systems (QMS) and any other duties assigned by the Chairman.


1. Applicants for academic posts (AC) should forward ten (10) should forward ten (10) copies of their application letters accompanied by similar number of certified copies of certificates and C.Vs giving details of their qualifications, experience, research activities and publications they appear in.

Applicants for non-academic posts (AD) should submit seven (7) of the above supporting documents and applications letter.

2. In both cases, applications and related documents should be forwarded through the applicants’ heads of departments and applicants should state their current designations and salaries and other benefits attached to those designations.

They should quote post reference codes as shown for each posts in the advertisement.

3. Applications should be addressed as per the codes below:-


R&T The Deputy Registrar, Recruitment & Training Section, P.O Box 30197-00100 Nairobi

CAE The Principal, College of Architecture& Engineering, P.O Box 30197-00100, Nairobi.

CHS The Principal, College of Health Sciences, P.O Box 30197-00100, Nairobi.

CHSS The Principal, College of Humanities& Social Sciences, P.O Box 30197-00100, Nairobi.

CAVS The Principal, College of Agriculture &Veterinary Sciences, P.O Box 30197-00100, Nairobi.

Please note that the university of nairobi is an equal Opportunity employer.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Closing Date: Friday, June 8 2012.

Lecturer University of Nairobi Lecturer University of Nairobi Reviewed by Unknown on 6:08:00 AM Rating: 5

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