Executive Manager (m/f) African Eco-Labelling Mechanism

Nairobi, Kenya
Project / Field of activity
The African Union (AU), UNEP and UNECA in cooperation with the African Roundtable on
Sustainable Consumption and Production (ARSCP) and African Organisation for Standardisation
(ARSO) have launched the development of the African Eco-labelling Mechanism (AEM). The
German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU) has provided
funding for the initial phase of the institutionalization of the AEM within the framework of the Task
Force on Cooperation with Africa founded in the course of the Marrakech Process. The implementing
agency for this Project Phase of the Mechanism is GIZ in close cooperation with ARSO. The AEM
Secretariat has been set up and is hosted by ARSO. AEM’s governance structures comprising of an
Executive Board, a Technical Board and Sector Working Groups are being established. One of the
main project objectives is to develop an African sustainability standard on which Benchmarking and a
certification process with an Eco-label will be based on. Another main task will be to define a viable
strategy to ensure long-term financial self-sufficiency of the AEM. The marketing of the eco-label in
cooperation with international partners will be another decisive task of the project. Finally, the project
aims at developing the capacity of African accreditation and certification bodies and facilitating access
of producers to certification.
As Executive Manager, you will be a member of the project team that develops and institutionalizes
the AEM in close cooperation with relevant regional, continental and international organisations. You
will play a key role in ensuring the project's success and in achieving the objectives agreed with BMU
in line with the Marrakesh Process. You will be responsible for the implementation of the programme
strategy and for the promotion of the AEM across the continent and internationally. Together with the
partner organisations as well as other members of the project team, you will lead the project so as to
ensure the long-term sustainability of the AEM programme.
In this context, you will work closely with the Executive Board, AEM programme coordinator, the
project manager responsible for the contract and cooperation at GIZ’s Kenya Office and colleagues
from GIZ headquarters in Germany who will support the project implementation, particularly as
regards developing the standards and benchmarking system and drawing up a marketing concept.
You will coordinate and support economic and political networking for AEM. You will be required to
report progress of project implementation to the AEM Executive Board biannually.
To ensure the long-term viability of the AEM program it is highly desirable that you develop a
commitment to the AEM beyond the project phase.
You have a Master’s degree in political or social sciences, economics, environmental or agricultural
sciences, or in a similar area, and have gained at least ten years of experience as an advisor or
African Eco-labelling
Mechanism (AEM)
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In cooperation with
manager. You have comprehensive expert knowledge on voluntary sustainability standards and you
are perfectly acquainted with environmental and climate protection. You are perfectly acquainted with
the diverse cultural backgrounds on the African continent, you have finely tuned communication skills,
are an excellent networker, excel under pressure, and act sensitively in an intercultural environment.
Proficiency in English is a must and fluency in French would be an asset.
African candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
June 2011 until March 2013
Application deadline
31 March 2011– Close of Business
Applications (together with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates and references
including day time telephone contacts) should be sent to arso@arso-oran.org and copy to
aem@giz.de. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Executive Manager (m/f) African Eco-Labelling Mechanism Executive Manager (m/f) African Eco-Labelling Mechanism Reviewed by Unknown on 9:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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