International Consultant for Basel Convention Workshop

Suriname signed the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants on May 22nd, 2002 and is in the process of developing a National Plan for the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention with financial assistance from GEF and under the guidance of UNDP.
The project “INITIAL ASSISTANCE TO ENABLE SURINAME TO FULFILL ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION ON PERSISTANT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS (POPs) “is a country-driven exercise, executed by the Ministry of Labor, Technological Development, and Environment (ATM) of the Republic of Suriname. The POPs Enabling Activity Project requires active stakeholder participation and counts on high-level commitment by the national governmental institutions and their subsidiaries, inter-ministerial bodies, municipalities, NGOs, academia, and private sector.
This project is executed as a UNDP project and the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development, and Environment (ATM) is the agency with the overall responsibility for the coordination of activities related to global environmental management and the environmental conventions to which Suriname is a party. The Ministry of ATM is responsible for the execution of the POPs Enabling Activity Project.
The Stockholm Convention has a link with the two other international conventions namely the Rotterdam Convention en the Basel Convention. The objectives of these 3 (three) conventions demonstrate these links as follows:
  1. Basel Convention adopted in 1989 and is for the elaboration of controls on transboundary movement of hazardous wastes.
  2. Rotterdam Convention adopted in 1998 – Protecting developing countries by offering them the opportunity of the PIC for formally obtaining and disseminating decisions concerning the import of hazardous chemicals.
  3. Stockholm Convention adopted in 2001 – a. Elimination and restriction of production and use of intentionally produced POPs and b. Minimization and ultimate elimination of unintentionally produced POPs.
Knowledge and detailed information of the Basel Convention is inevitable and therefore this capacity building for all national stakeholders. This activity will enable Suriname to implement the NIP through the Post-NIP.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance of the National Coordinating Committee, and direct supervision of the National Project Coordinator, the International Consultant will provide training on the general and specific requirements of the Basel Convention. Exchange of knowledge regarding institutions that need to be in place to implement the Basel Convention.
This mission of the consultant to Suriname will cover 10 days which will be filled in as indicated in Annex 1
Annex 1 gives an overview of expected methodology and outputs for the scheduled activities per subject.


  • He or she has experience in training and facilitating workshops,
  • Demonstrates substantive and technical knowledge to meet responsibilities and requirements with excellence. Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrated experience in planning and produce quality results to meet established goals and deadlines;
  • Generates innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations;
  • Conceptualizes and analyzes problems to identify key issues, underlying problems, and how they relate;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills; and
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advance degree law or economics, environmental management with relevant additional courses or seminars in the field of international transport of hazardous waste.


  • At least 10 year experience in a responsible position with international transportation of hazardous waste, preparing, submitting and reviewing Basel notifications and executing projects for the treatment of this waste. Knowledge of international transportation of hazardous waste within the Caribbean.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.

International Consultant for Basel Convention Workshop
International Consultant for Basel Convention Workshop International Consultant for Basel Convention Workshop Reviewed by Unknown on 11:39:00 AM Rating: 5

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