National Consultant: Technical Assistance for formulation of project documentation in Ukraine

In 2008, the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) approved a Medium Size Project (MSP) that was directed to funding enabling activities in support of HCFC phase out in eligible Article 2 countries with economies in transition (CEITs) in Europe and Central Asia . The project was intended to assist these countries in maintaining or, where applicable, attaining compliance, with their Montreal Protocol obligations for HCFC phase out into the future, particularly noting the accelerated HCFC phase out requirements adopted by MOP 19. The work involved detailed surveys in individual countries which would then provide the information base to support country development of national phase out strategies and to identify needs for further international assistance in implementing these strategies at both a national level and through regional cooperation.

Resulting from this MSP project, UNDP assisted Belarus, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine in formulating the outlines of HCFC phase-out strategies which provided country specific descriptions on measures and activities needed for the partner countries to stay in compliance with the Montreal Protocol’s obligations.

As a follow-up stage, GEF approved project preparation activities (Initial Implementation of Accelerated HCFC Phase-out in the CEIT Region ) to formulate packages of technical assistance for each of the listed countries within a regional framework. As dictated by individual national HCFC consumption profiles and HCFC phase-out strategies, the project preparation assistance funded under a GEF Project preparation grant (PPG) will elaborate a project document covering all four countries. This will include national and regional technical assistance and institutional regulatory components plus direct phase out funding to consuming enterprises in investment in each nationally applicable HCFC consuming sector (refrigeration servicing and operating equipment replacement/conversion, foam, refrigeration equipment manufacturing, and solvent applications. This project document and associated GEF CEO Endorsement Request will then be submitted for the consideration of the GEF.

This Terms of Reference applies to a national consultant (the Consultant) and specifically to the national assistance in formulation of the project documentation required for the submission to the GEF facility.

Duties and Responsibilities

Nature of work: Providing technical support and expert services at the national level, for the formulation of the full-sized project documentation for the gradual phase-out of HCFC consumption in Ukraine

The Consultant will report to the UNDP Project Manager based in the UNDP Regional Bureau in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The Consultant will liaise closely with the UNDP International Consultants who have been contracted for this project. The Consultant will have specific responsibility to carry out the following main tasks in coordination with UNDP, the National Ozone Unit and International Consultant:

A. Coordinate the organization, setup and execution of his/her activities within the project boundaries;

B. Establish and maintain direct contacts with target private sector enterprises (major identified users of HCFCs, chemical and equipment suppliers/importers/distributors and/or their representatives, relevant industry associations) and organizations (such as association of refrigeration engineers) which will participate in the project and receive technical and financial assistance from the funding facility;

C. Collect, analyze and supply required information and analytical data on target enterprises in line with requests coming from UNDP and international experts; Type of information which will be required, but not limited to, is:

  • General enterprise history, business scope, production capacity, product lines, basic financial performance information, and history of ODS (CFC and HCFC use);
  • Date(s) relevant production line(s) was/were established;
  • Percentage of local and foreign ownership;
  • Percentage of export of goods manufactured (by country if exports to more than one country);
  • CFC and HCFC use over the last three years and sources of supply;
  • Prior assistance provided by GEF for CFC-phaseout and description thereof.

D. Facilitate and set up meetings for UNDP designated international experts and/or representatives, to meet with key managerial and technical personnel from target enterprises and stakeholder organizations, particularly major HCFC users, as identified before, and for plant visits as required, in line with their mission schedules in the country, - for the purposes of discussions on technology substitution issues, enterprise specific project development (project design and conversion plans) and leveraging of required co-finance resources towards the project;

E. Facilitate the technology option discussions with involved industrial and commercial enterprises in various sectors and sub-sectors;

F. Along with international consultants assigned under this project and, where applicable, UNDP representatives, plan and participate in in-country travel for individual meetings and discussions with target enterprises;

G. Assist in obtaining any other confirmations, documentation or information from the identified HCFC users as may be required by UNDP;

H. Assist UNDP in arranging stakeholder workshops or similar information dissemination activities within the country as may be requested, including assistance for ensuring participation of HCFC users selected for participating in such activities;

I. Provide NOU, UNDP Project Manager, and UNDP International Consultant, with reports as defined under the milestones below.

Assignment Reporting Milestones:

The following defines the main milestones where formal reports for which submission for the review of assigned international consultant and UNDP, and approval are required, and which will govern payment under the contract for this assignment.

  • Milestone 1 (25% of the total contract): Prepare a list of enterprises to be visited by the project team and confirmed work plan of meetings with target enterprises and stakeholder organizations;
  • Milestone 2 (25% of the total contract): Facilitate, collect and provide analytical data on the listed enterprises as required by assigned international consultants and UNDP for the purposes of quality preparation for the field visits;
  • Milestone 3 (25% of the total contract): Prepare a report with brief summaries of visits to target enterprises and stakeholder organizations. The report will summarize the coordination activities implemented by the national expert before and during the visits;
  • Milestone 4 (25% of the total contact): In partnership with international consultants and UNDP, prepare and provide a consolidated report on the co-finance resources agreed (list of co-finance resources) after the field visits as committed by the participating enterprises (no preliminary report is accepted, and if report is not accepted, then additional contacts with enterprises will be required before the final payment can be released);

Responsibility for Expenses and their Reimbursement:

The Consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative and travel expenses associated with undertaking this assignment including office accommodation, printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, and report copies incurred in this assignment. All local travel, living and accommodation expenses are included in the total amount offered by the contract.

Assignment Reporting Milestones:

The following defines the main milestones where formal reports for which submission for the review of assigned international consultant and UNDP, and approval are required, and which will govern payment under the contract for this assignment.

  • Milestone 1 (25% of the total contract): Prepare a list of enterprises to be visited by the project team and confirmed work plan of meetings with target enterprises and stakeholder organizations;
  • Milestone 2 (25% of the total contract): Facilitate, collect and provide analytical data on the listed enterprises as required by assigned international consultants and UNDP for the purposes of quality preparation for the field visits;
  • Milestone 3 (25% of the total contract): Prepare a report with brief summaries of visits to target enterprises and stakeholder organizations. The report will summarize the coordination activities implemented by the national expert before and during the visits;
  • Milestone 4 (25% of the total contact): In partnership with international consultants and UNDP, prepare and provide a consolidated report on the co-finance resources agreed (list of co-finance resources) after the field visits as committed by the participating enterprises (no preliminary report is accepted, and if report is not accepted, then additional contacts with enterprises will be required before the final payment can be released);

Responsibility for Expenses and their Reimbursement:

The Consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative and travel expenses associated with undertaking this assignment including office accommodation, printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, and report copies incurred in this assignment. All local travel, living and accommodation expenses are included in the total amount offered by the contract.


  • Knowledge/understanding of the Montreal Protocol issues;
  • Previous experience in carrying out similar surveys is preferable;
  • Direct practical experience with implementation of ODS phase out activities in a major relevant sector, preferably involving international assistance;
  • Knowledge of MS Word, Excel and email communication software;

Required Skills and Experience


  • Minimum Master’s (or diploma) degree in natural resource management, environment, engineering, statistics, social science or equivalent.


  • Minimum five (5) years experience in the CFC/HCFC-related industry with close relevant industry contacts in Ukraine.


  • Good knowledge of Russian.
  • Working knowledge of English is welcome.

Application procedure:

Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via this site.

The application should contain:

  • Brief Cover Letter (in English) stating interest in and qualifications for the post. Please paste the letter into the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application.
  • Filled P11 form (blank form can be downloaded from ); Please upload the P11 instead of your CV.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide financial offers.

UNDP applies fair and transparent selection process that takes into account the competencies/skills of the applicants as well as their financial proposals.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

National Consultant: Technical Assistance for formulation of project documentation in Ukraine
National Consultant: Technical Assistance for formulation of project documentation in Ukraine National Consultant: Technical Assistance for formulation of project documentation in Ukraine Reviewed by Unknown on 11:37:00 AM Rating: 5

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