Database Assistant

Vacancy No: IOM/028/11

Functional Title: Database Assistant

Grade: G4/01

Duty Station: Nairobi (Kenya)

Duration of Assignment: 6 months special-all inclusive contract

General functions:

Under the overall supervision of the Regional Representative of MRF Nairobi and under the direct supervision of the Project Manager - Capacity Building for Somalia (CBS) the successful candidate will produce and disseminate various information classified into a database.

The Database Assistant is responsible for collecting, analyzing, investigating, managing and distributing composite information associated with the CBS project in Somalia within the context of the overall efforts of capacity building and management of migration for Somalia.

He/she is also responsible for analyzing baseline and monitoring data and creating new measurements into IOM work-plans and systems.

Essential functions
  • In consultation with Public Information Unit and project staff, assist drafting of the following documents for CBS -responses to inquiries from the general public, Japanese Embassy/Government of Japan, and the media on the IOM CBMM program, practices, and any other general information requests.
  • Assist or prepare periodical updates on CBS project activities throughout Somalia for dissemination to the Government of Japan and IOM internally. Reports will be based on the analysis of information collected from meetings, reports and other sources.
  • Assist in the review of program implementation and contribute to prepare and formulate quarterly reports.
  • In cooperation with project staff, ensure grant monitoring information is included in the Access Database, and that accurate reporting of all grants is carried out.
  • Analyze baseline and monitoring data to determine which further assessments may be needed.
  • Design and coordinate data collection, analyze the results, and present clear findings to implementers, beneficiaries, counterparts, the management of IOM and the Government of Japan.
  • Oversee data collection and manage system to store and analyze data
  • Assist in developing program strategies and direction by providing relevant information status
  • Develop project maps based on the projects within the database
  • Perform other duties as may be required from time to time.
Desirable Qualifications (Educational experience and competencies):-
  • Higher Diploma in Information Technology, Mathematics or business related field
  • At least three years professional work experience in database development and database management
  • Demonstrated communication and writing skills; keen attention to detail
  • GPS experience is an advantage
  • Self-driven and able to deliver results with minimum supervision
  • Willingness to travel extensively within the region, work extended periods in the field and interact effectively with partners
  • Required IOM functional competencies: effective communicator, successful negotiator, creative and analytical thinker, active learner, team player, and cross cultural facilitator.
  • Highly proficient in Ms Word, Excel, Access, Power-point and the use of Internet for research
  • Kenyan National with valid passport
  • Fluency in both English and Kiswahili. Ability to speak and write Somali is an advantage
How to apply:

Submit cover Letter and CV including daytime telephone and email address to:

International Organization for Migration (IOM),
Human Resources Department,
P.O Box 55040-00200

– or –

send by email to

Closing Date: 8th April 2011
Database Assistant Database Assistant Reviewed by Unknown on 1:02:00 AM Rating: 5

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