National/International Weapons and Ammunition Ballistics Consultant


UNDP within the framework of the Small Arms Control Project (SACBiH) is seeking to recruit a ballistics consultant to assess ballistics laboratories of the Ministries of Interior of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, Brcko District Police as well as Forensics Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. UNDP continues to provide support to the police agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina in improving the Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) control mechanisms to which ballistics laboratories constitute an important link.
To that end, the consultant will be tasked to assess the current structure and capacities of the existing SALW ballistics and forensics laboratories and develop proposals and recommendations for improvement of the named laboratories. The assessment will be based on the needs of responsible police agencies in this regards and the level of their alignment with internationally recognized standards in the area.
With his/her professional experience the consultant will contribute to fostering of the good cooperation between UNDP and the police agencies. The consultant’s engagement will assist the SACBiH team in enhancement of its support to the institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in implementation of the SALW control mechanisms in terms of ballistics fingerprinting. The successful completion of the task will assist UNDP designing its further support to the relevant police agencies.
Background Information:
In 2005 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) expanded its Small Arms Control Project (SACBiH) to assist the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in reducing the immediate threat posed to human life by Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and remnants of war. Within the framework of the programme UNDP assisted the SALW Coordination Board to develop and implement the National Strategy and Action Plan for SALW Control in BiH, the Ministry of Defense in disposing SALW and ammunition surpluses and the Ministry of Security, entity ministries of interior and Brcko District Police in expanding its capacities to control SALW. Among others, it focuses on issues pertaining to streamlining SALW legislation, registration, storage, SALW acquisition and SALW trade and trafficking as well as arms and ammunition reduction.
The programme seeks to attain several important goals:
  • Enhanced Institutional Capacity for SALW Control;
  • SALW and Associated Weapons Systems Disposal;
  • Ammunition Disposal and Demilitarization.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of work, Deliverables, and Timelines:
  1. Assessment of the current SALW ballistics and forensics laboratory of the ministries of interior of RS, FBiH, Brcko District Police and BiH Forensics Agency related to the existing equipment, applied methodologies and databases; 01 June 2011.
  2. Assessment of the current needs of the named laboratories and level of training of personnel; 15 June 2011.
  3. Development of the proposals and suggestions how to improve functionality of the laboratories particularly focusing on the ballistics fingerprinting and databases; 30 June 2011.
  4. Development of the comparative assessment on the ballistics and forensics standards applied in the EU countries and/or best practices from the regional countries. 30 July 2011.


Corporate Responsibility and Teamwork:
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Plans, prioritizes and delivers tasks on time;
  • Strives for and promotes excellence in performance continually;
  • Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others;
  • Generates ideas and seizes opportunities to support corporate strategic objectives.
People Skills:
  • Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
  • Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent and credible behavior;
  • Respects individual/cultural differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
  • Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process.
Partnering and Networking:
  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team as well as work autonomously.
  • Plans and procedures quality results to meet established goals;
  • Technical writing skills, formulates written information clearly and persuasively;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences;
  • Presents information in a clear and articulate manner.
Job Knowledge and Expertise:
  • Extensive knowledge of ballistics and forensic techniques;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Demonstrates substantive and technical knowledge to meet responsibilities and post requirements;
  • Executes day-to-day tasks systematically and efficiently;
  • Initiative and sound judgment.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced degree in Criminology, Forensics science, Mechanical Engineering and related fields.


  • Minimum 10 years of experience in ballistics and SALW forensics.
  • Experience in developing assessments and analysis in the area of SALW control mechanisms.
  • Proficiency in local language of the duty station.
  • Sound working knowledge of English.

Award Criteria: - Highest qualified candidate is the candidate that obtains the highest score.

Applicants are required to submit an application including:

1. Letter of interest/ Proposal

  • Explaining why do you consider yourself the most suitable for the work.
  • Provide a brief methodology, if applicable, on how you will approach and conduct the work.
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees.
  • Financial proposal indicating your consultancy fee, lump sum fee or unit price depending on the nature and complexity of the assignment.

National/International Weapons and Ammunition Ballistics Consultant
National/International Weapons and Ammunition Ballistics Consultant National/International Weapons and Ammunition Ballistics Consultant Reviewed by Unknown on 11:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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