PanAfrican World Food Day Video Producer

Pan Africa Women.Food.Climate Campaign: Video(s)
1. Summary
Oxfam Novib representing a group of CSOs is looking for a video production agency to deliver a pitch for one video or a series of short videos highlighting the issues pertinent to the Pan Africa Women.Food.Climate Campaign.
2. Background
The Pan Africa campaign is an Africa-wide campaign highlighting focused specifically on women food producers achieving resilience in the face of a changing climate, with the overall aim to get “African governments, and the world must finance and invest in flexible and long term funding mechanisms for climate resilience that promotes the rights of small scale women producers and vulnerable communities to address food security by 2020.“
The campaign will support specific policy asks targeting African governments and institutions, as well as global institutions:
  • Women are the main food producers in Africa and are already addressing the impacts of climate change. Governments must invest and scale up the women’s indigenous knowledge systems on climate change adaptation and agriculture. In addition they must establish mechanisms to promote women’s rights
  • Government should commit budgets for agriculture, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction projects informed by vulnerability assessments and directly reaches small scale food producers
  • Global finance for adaptation (text to be developed)**
    A coalition of CSOsincluding Pacja, Accra, EJN, SADC-CNGO, RWA and Oxfam **launched this campaign in June 2015. On October 16th, they will be launching a second “spike” for this campaign revolving around World Food Day. During this spike, we want to air a series of short videos or one short video (up to the candidate) that brings attention to the issues of climate change and food insecurity. These videos will be part of a larger package of materials which include sharegraphics, calls to action, public messages, human stories, a policy paper, and a website.
3. Purpose
To mobilize the public to call on their governments to take action, we need to illustrate real stories and put a face to the problems they face. These stories should be visually and emotionally engaging and help make the issue clearer in order to mobilize our audience to take action.
With these videos, we would like to reach a wide audience with limited access to traditional media. This audience includes two types of people:
  • Impacted people: those who are directly impacted by climate change and food insecurity
  • Non-impacted people: those who are more removed from the issues
We understand these are very different audiences and are open to the idea of having different videos and distribution strategies for each audience.
4. Pitch should include:
We would like your pitch to give us a strong idea of what the final product would look like. The initial pitch should include:
  • Video concept or storyboard and explanation
  • Quote with separate prices for video production, translation and distribution
  • Proposed timeline
  • Distribution strategy
  • Samples of work
5. Deliverables
  • A series of short videos or one short video, translated in 10 african languages
  • All the clips (in ten languages) to be packaged in one DVD which will be replicated into several copies.
  • Possible carrying out of distribution strategy
6. Schedule
· August 14: Deadline for pitch
· August 18: Oxfam choses candidate
· August 21: Oxfam receives first draft of storyboard
· August 24: Oxfam gives feedback
· August 26: Oxfam receives second draft of storyboard
· August 28: Oxfam gives feedback
· August 31: Storyboard is finalized
· September 17: Oxfam receives first version of video
· September 19: Oxfam gives feedback
· September 22: Oxfam receives second version of video
· September 24: Oxfam gives final feedback
· September 27: Oxfam receives final video
· October ? (TBA): Translated DVDs are delivered
· October 12: Launch of campaign
7. Procedure
The candidate is asked to submit their pitch no later than 09:00 AM CET Friday 14th August 2015 and must including the following:
  • Video concept or storyboard and explanation
  • Distribution strategy
  • Samples of work
  • Quote with separate fee for video production, translation and distribution
  • Proposed timelines
  • Award criteria
The evaluation of the pitch will be based primarily on:
  • Effectiveness of product to mobilize the public (25%);
  • Effectiveness distribution of video(s) (25%);
  • Creativity in video concept and distribution (25%);
  • Cost of video production, translation and distribution and availability to meet our deadlines (25%)
The contractor will have to make provisions for covering all costs associated with the assignment. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
· Research, instrument development, data collection and analysis, report writing and editing costs.
· Secretarial/office-related costs which may include communications (phone, fax, telecommunications, mail, photocopying, courier etc), report production and secretarial services both in the Contractor’s Headquarters and/or consultant’s home office are considered to be included within the fee rate of the consultant. No costs of this nature may be charged in addition. No office, secretarial or communication facilities will be provided by Oxfam Novib or partner NGOs.
· The consultant will be in charge of the secretarial and logistic arrangements for all consultations with stakeholders.
Oxfam Novib reserves the right to accept only part of a tender, to reject alll tenders or to cancel the tendering process.
The chosen candidate must collect consent forms from the people filmed, not put anyone at risk by filming them and abide by Oxfam Novib’s code of conduct. Candidate must also follow our terms and conditions in our draft contract and security policy.
Remuneration is based on submission of final deliverables as mentioned.
  1. Deadlines
· Any questions, remarks or requests for clarification can be sent to no later than09:00 AM CET Wednesday 12th August 2015
· Any (anonymised) questions will be answered to all applicants no later than 17:00 (5 PM) CET Wednesday 12thAugust 2015
· Pitch must be submitted by e-mail with the subject line “Video producer“ to no later than 09:00 AM CET Friday 14th August 2015.

7. Procedure
The candidate is asked to submit their pitch no later than 09:00 AM CET Friday 14th August 2015 and must including the following:
  • Video concept or storyboard and explanation
  • Distribution strategy
  • Samples of work
  • Quote with separate fee for video production, translation and distribution
  • Proposed timelines
  • Award criteria
The evaluation of the pitch will be based primarily on:
  • Effectiveness of product to mobilize the public (25%);
  • Effectiveness distribution of video(s) (25%);
  • Creativity in video concept and distribution (25%);
  • Cost of video production, translation and distribution and availability to meet our deadlines (25%)
The contractor will have to make provisions for covering all costs associated with the assignment. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
· Research, instrument development, data collection and analysis, report writing and editing costs.
· Secretarial/office-related costs which may include communications (phone, fax, telecommunications, mail, photocopying, courier etc), report production and secretarial services both in the Contractor’s Headquarters and/or consultant’s home office are considered to be included within the fee rate of the consultant. No costs of this nature may be charged in addition. No office, secretarial or communication facilities will be provided by Oxfam Novib or partner NGOs.
· The consultant will be in charge of the secretarial and logistic arrangements for all consultations with stakeholders.
Oxfam Novib reserves the right to accept only part of a tender, to reject alll tenders or to cancel the tendering process.
The chosen candidate must collect consent forms from the people filmed, not put anyone at risk by filming them and abide by Oxfam Novib’s code of conduct. Candidate must also follow our terms and conditions in our draft contract and security policy.
Remuneration is based on submission of final deliverables as mentioned.
  1. Deadlines
· Any questions, remarks or requests for clarification can be sent to no later than 09:00 AM CET Wednesday 12th August 2015
· Any (anonymised) questions will be answered to all applicants no later than 17:00 (5 PM) CET Wednesday 12th August 2015
· Pitch must be submitted by e-mail with the subject line “Video producer“ no later than 09:00 AM CET Friday 14th August 2015.
PanAfrican World Food Day Video Producer PanAfrican World Food Day Video Producer Reviewed by Unknown on 12:07:00 AM Rating: 5
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