Fundraising Director at Greenpeace Africa


Greenpeace is looking for an inspired, ambitious, experienced fundraising professional to become our Fundraising Director at Greenpeace Africa.

Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, you will be working with a committed and highly driven team to create the movement that will make climate justice a reality for millions of Africans.
Job Description:
“Inspire millions to campaign with Greenpeace for the better future and protected planet we all deserve”
As Fundraising Director, you will be in charge of creating and maintaining a reliable, efficient and ethical funding base to meet the needs of Greenpeace Africa – one of our fast-growing and most dynamic offices.
You will be responsible for the planning, management, resourcing, co-ordination and review of all Greenpeace Africa fundraising.
Your work will be crucial for our success: Greenpeace is entirely funded by the generous donations of our individual supporters (we will never accept money from governments or corporations). This strict policy guarantees one of our core principles: independence.
Greenpeace Africa is operating on one of the most important front lines in the fight against climate change. As Fundraising Director, you will play an active role in shaping our response to one of the biggest challenges we face.
You will devise and maintain fundraising and marketing strategies to effectively engage people in the work we do – across all our campaigns:
  • building lifelong relationships with our supporters,
  • gaining their commitment to support our work financially, and
  • taking them on a journey campaigning side-by-side with us for the better future and protected planet we all deserve.
You will oversee our liaison with major donors, and advance our innovative use of mobile phone technology to acquire new supporters. The fundraising depart-ment’s human resources and budget, as well as its expenditure and income, will fall under your authority.
This is a key management position on the Senior Management Team (SMT) of Greenpeace Africa, and you will play an active part in the global Greenpeace fundraising community and attend international meetings – helping Greenpeace to further its fundraising globally.
About Greenpeace:
A modern campaigning organisation that is funded exclusively by its diverse, globe-spanning base of supporters

Greenpeace was founded in 1971, when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into Amchitka, an area north of Alaska, where the

US Government was conducting underground nuclear tests. It was an act of rebellion against seemingly impossible odds.

Today, Greenpeace is a modern, highly effective campaigning organisation with offices in 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

Using scientific work, trend-setting technology, expert lobbying, and creative confrontation, we run a wide range of carefully planned and executed campaigns. Pursuing our mission, we have no permanent allies or enemies. We promote open, informed debate about society’s environmentalchoices – and we champion solutions.
In all this, Greenpeace’s diverse, committed supporters, volunteers and activists – ordinary people willing to do extraordinary things for the environment– are our biggest strength. We work holding on to the hope and knowledge that our billion acts of interconnected rebellion can bring our shared dream to life: a green and peaceful future for us all.
Who we are looking for:
Experience, drive, and heaps of inspiration
The person we are looking for will have:
  • At least 5 years’ experience in fundraising at a senior level
  • A relevant degree
  • Experience working for an international organisation or development agency (preferred)
We are looking for the following skills and qualifications:
  • Ability to be innovative and creative
  • Penchant for exploring new ways and avenues to increase supporter base and fundraising income
  • Strong management skills
  • Ability to reach fundraising targets and motivate others to achieve targets
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Experience in fundraising techniques, especially analysis of fundraising and marketing data
  • Highly developed interpersonal skills
  • Experience of recruiting, managing, coaching and training staff
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office packages, such as Word and Excel
  • Demonstrated competence in negotiation at the highest level
  • Awareness of Africa’s regional political and economic trends
  • Commitment to the core values of Greenpeace and passion for the enviroment
  • Availability for overseas travel to attend international meetings
Tasks & Responsibilities:
From creating, managing and diversifying our fundraising strategies to building Greenpeace Africa’s organisational culture
The fundraising department is working to create and maintain Greenpeace Africa’s supporter base. Specifically, our goals are to:
  • Engender loyalty to Greenpeace in all our communication
  • Promote the Greenpeace campaign goals and objectives
  • Maintain and build a diverse and secure funding base
  • Be responsible as a department for meeting budget targets
  • Present truthful and accessible reporting of all programmes
  • Change the way people think about spending their money
  • Provide an annual net increase in available funds
You will be working collaboratively with Greenpeace Africa’s Campaigns, Communications and Mobilisation units.
As the Fundraising Director, you will be responsible for:
  • Planning and developing the fundraising elements of the Organisational Development plan to ensure accurate budgets are developed for the operations of Greenpeace Africa,
  • Managing and diversifying current fundraising strategies and ensuring the support database is being effectively utilised to maximise income and loyalty to Greenpeace Africa,
  • Supporting and developing staff within the coordination team to ensure professional development of staff, their loyalty to and their conduct is professional and in line with Greenpeace Africa’s values,
  • analysing fundraising programmes and trends to ensure effective investment in channels, including Return on Investment (ROI) and
Lifetime Value (LTV) of programmes, and report this information back to the Senior Management Team (SMT) and the board as directed by Greenpeace’s Programme Director.
As a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT), you will contribute to building a strong Greenpeace Africa culture. You will champion integrated programme and cross-departmental cooperation, and build trust.
The Fundraising Director will also assume any other duty appropriate to the position, and as delegated by the Programme Director.
The Department’s Structure:
Major Gifts
The Major Gifts Department is a recent addition to the fundraising portfolio of Greenpeace Africa. The objective is to develop relationships with individuals that can give gifts over R50,000. These donations may come in the form of bequests or earmarked project funding. In order to develop a strong Major Gifts Programme the Fundraising Director must manage and support the activities of the Major Gifts Manager, as well as making it possible to utilise Greenpeace personalities that sit on the board, the Senior Management Team (SMT) or in the campaign team.
Mobile Phone and SMS Project
Greenpeace Africa is currently undertaking an integrated campaign, communications and fundraising programme using mobile phones to enhance our efforts. The Fundraising Director must manage and support these activities, ensure access and collaboration between departments and develop innovative and productive marketing projects to ensure the uptake of these campaigns as well as the conversion of prospects into donors.
Supporter Acquisition
The acquisition department is focused largely on Direct Dialogue fundraising. Telemarketing, online list building and conversion channels are currently being tested and rolled out. In order to continue the trends of supporter growth the
Fundraising Director must manage and diversify the acquisitions portfolio whilst continuing to support and develop the relevant staff.
Supporter Retention
The retention department is currently servicing and growing a database of 6,000 active or recently lapsed supporters. An annual upgrade cycle is currently being developed with the objective to upgrade existing supporters to a higher level of monthly gift. In order to maintain a strong supporter base, the Fundraising Director must manage and innovate within the retention programme while continuing to support and develop the relevant staff.
How To Apply:
Applications must be addressed to rafrica@greenpeace.orgstating GP-FD-RSA / + your surname in the subject line.
Closing date for applications is the 11th of September 2015.
To apply for this role, kindly attach your CV (in English) and a motivation letter (of 350 words or less) which summarises how your profile aligns with the key requirements, skills and abilities of this role. Kindly send these to us as word files only.
Thank you in advance for your interest in this position. Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted by Greenpeace Africa for follow-up.
Fundraising Director at Greenpeace Africa Fundraising Director at Greenpeace Africa Reviewed by Unknown on 12:06:00 AM Rating: 5
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