Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Expert

Job opportunity:

Team Leader (international) Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Expert
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Project status:
Project title:
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Programme in Kigoma, Lindi and Sumbawanga Towns – Capacity Development Measures

January 2014 – December 2016
Duration of assignment:
24 months permanent + 3 months intermittent
Duty station:
Kigoma/Lindi /Sumbawanga
Project description:

The Capacity Development and Accompanying Measures shall mainly consist of assistance to the Urban Water and Sanitation Authorities (UWASSAs) to improve their organisational and operational efficiency through the preparation and introduction of management tools, programmes and campaigns, the carrying out of capacity building and training measures for the managerial, administrative, commercial and technical staff of the
UWASSAs. Furthermore, the development of capacities for improved and more targeted customer care, with a special focus on the population living in urban poor areas. The assistance to the Urban Water and Sanitation Authorities (UWASSAs) shall serve among others the following main purposes:
  • Strengthening of the general management capacity of the UWASSAs and support in development and implementation of business plans;
  • Strengthening of financial and commercial management capacities of the UWASSAs;
  • Enhancing the technical capacities of the UWASSAs to plan, operate and maintain water supply and sanitation facilities;
  • Improving customer orientation and marketing of the UWASSAs as well as carrying out hygiene sensitization/education programmes
Job description:
The international long-term expert (Team Leader) will be part of a comprehensive and complementary consultant team.
The international long-term experts for each of the three utilities shall have broad professional experience in the management of comparable water companies, in advisory services to the general management, capacity building of WSS utilities and training measures, monitoring and evaluation.
One of the international long-term experts will be the Team Leader, responsible for overall project management.
International Senior Expert with a minimum of 15 years professional experience in the fields of urban water supply and wastewater as well as in financial and commercial management as well as a proven record of at least 5 years experience in utility management. In addition, it is required that the Expert has experience in:
  • Project management,
  • Sanitation marketing,
  • Business development as well a
  • Regional experience, preferably in Tanzania

The Expert must have excellent computer-, report writing and communication skills. It is expected that the Expert is fluent in English.
To apply
Applications and updated CV should be submitted to  reutergfa-group.de

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Expert Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Expert Reviewed by Unknown on 3:57:00 AM Rating: 5
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