Muhlenberg College is a highly-selective, undergraduate institution of 2,200 students located in Allentown, PA, about 50 miles north of Philadelphia, 90 miles west of Manhattan, and in close proximity to the Appalachian Trail. At Muhlenberg, the emphasis is on excellent teaching in a student-focused, undergraduate environment. The teaching load is three classes per semester. Candidates for all the listed positions must be able to show valid U.S. work authorization at the time of hire.
ENGLISH AND AFRICANA STUDIES - Muhlenberg seeks applicants for a tenure-track joint appointment as an Assistant Professor of English and Africana Studies. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to teach and research African American literature. We especially welcome applicants who can teach broadly in American literature. The 3/3 teaching load will include literature courses at all levels, introductory courses in Africana Studies, American Studies, and first-year seminars. The successful candidate must combine teaching excellence with a strong commitment to Muhlenberg's General Education Curriculum, including diversity and global engagement, along with an intellectually compelling research agenda. Ph.D. should be in hand by August 2014. To apply, submit a letter of application, CV, graduate transcripts, three letters of reference and a statement of teaching philosophy no later than November 1 to Dr. Barri J. Gold and Dr. Kim Gallon, c/
KOEHLER PROFESSOR - The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science seeks candidates for the Truman Koehler Professorship. This is an endowed chair established in 1989 which has been occupied by Dr. William Dunham since 1992. An applicant must have a Ph.D. in mathematics, applied mathematics, or statistics and hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher. Furthermore, he or she must be a distinguished teacher, have a well-established program of scholarship, and have a strong reputation at the national level. The Mathematics and Computer Science department has ten tenure-track lines divided between mathematics and computer science. Like all Muhlenberg faculty members, the Koehler Professor must be committed to the values of a small liberal arts college. This individual should also display the enthusiasm for mathematics or statistics that characterized the 45-year career of its namesake, Truman
L. Koehler (1902 - 1989) whose work led to an "exaltation of the discipline of mathematics." Furthermore, the scholarly achievements of the Koehler Professor should appeal to a wide audience of mathematicians or statisticians, as befits a scholar from the liberal arts arena. In order to meet these high expectations, the Koehler Professor will have a reduced teaching load of two courses per semester. Submit materials by mail to Dr. Elyn Rykken, Search Committee Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 18104 or apply online at Include (1) a statement explaining your interest in the Koehler Chair, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a statement of teaching philosophy, (4) a statement of scholarly interests, and (5) four letters of recommendation, at least two of which address teaching and two of which address scholarship. Review of completed applications will begin November 24, 2013.
STATISTICS - The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science seeks candidates for a tenure-track, assistant professor in Statistics. A Ph.D. in Statistics or closely related field is required. Our department has ten tenure-track lines divided between mathematics and computer science. Prior full-time experience is valued. The College expects significant professional/scholarly activity, encourages student research, and requires institutional service. We also seek candidates who are ready and able to provide strong leadership in furthering statistics education and scholarship both within our department and across the College. Apply online at with (1) a letter of application, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) statement of teaching experience and philosophy, (4) description of research, including a list of any supervised student research projects, (5) undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and (6) three confidential letters of recommendation, at least one of which addresses teaching. Review of completed applications will begin November 1, 2013.
CHEMISTRY - The Department of Chemistry seeks candidates for a tenure-track position in Organic Chemistry. The candidate must be committed to undergraduate teaching and research. Teaching responsibilities include: organic lecture and laboratory and an advanced course in area of expertise. Teaching load is the equivalent of three courses/semester. Ph.D. required. Teaching experience preferred. The Chemistry Department is well-equipped with instrumentation including 400-MHz NMR, FT- IR, and GC-MS. Review of applicants to begin on October 11th. Please send CV, teaching philosophy, research plans, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and 3 letters of recommendation to Dr. Bruce Anderson, Chair, Department of Chemistry, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 18104. Materials may be submitted electronically to with an email subject line of "Organic Chemistry Position."
Muhlenberg College is an equal opportunity employer, committed to valuing and enhancing diversity. We encourage applications from individuals who can contribute to the diversity of our community.
Muhlenberg College FACULTY OPENINGS TO BEGIN FALL 2014 Muhlenberg College FACULTY OPENINGS TO BEGIN FALL 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on 10:38:00 AM Rating: 5
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