Governance and Democracy Assessment Officer

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance — International IDEA is an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable democracy worldwide. Its objective is to strengthen democratic institutions and processes. International IDEA acts as a catalyst for democracy building by providing knowledge resources, policy proposals and supporting democratic reforms in response to specific national requests. It works together with policy makers, governments, UN organizations and agencies and regional organizations engaged in the field of democracy building.
International IDEA’s notable areas of expertise are: electoral processes, political parties, constitution-building processes, democracy and gender and democracy assessments. International IDEA works worldwide. It is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has offices in Brussels, New York, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Governance and Democracy Assessment Officer
Main functions of the post: • Provide managerial, research, analysis and technical support towards the development of the following tools, documents and instruments:
• Indicators/Benchmarking Tools on Governance and democracy AssessmentsTheState Reporting Guidelines/ Assessment Instrument;
• A Synthesis Report on the basis of article 49)3) ACDEG;
• A Mapping Study of existing methodologies, tools, instruments and mechanisms on Governance and Democracy Assessments in Africa; and;
• The inaugural State of Governance and Democracy Trends in Africa Report.
• Convening of technical experts' consultations and dialogues on the scope, content and methodology of the framework for the envisaged State Reporting Guidelines under the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance;
• Convening of the High Level Dialogue on Democracy and Governance in Africa: Trends, Challenges and Prospects.
• Documentation and Dissemination of the project outcomes through social media, publications and knowledge generation products

Duties and Responsibilities:• Develop benchmarking and a mechanism to review Member States’ compliance with AU Democracy and Governance instruments;
• Support to the identification of governance challenges and capacity constraints and the use of the results of analysis for effective early action and support to Member States;
• Monitoring and analysis of potential governance-related events and developments;
• Support the establishment and maintenance of a database of best practices and lessons learned, which would be available to Member States, Regional Economic Communities and other relevant stakeholders;
• Creation, maintenance and regular update of database of relevant institutions and partners working democracy building and consolidation (African Governance Inventory);
• Prepare Annual Report on the State of Democracy in Africa.
• Facilitate synergy between the African Governance Architecture and the Peace and Security Architecture.
• Implementation of activities on the Year of Shared Values (2012) as directed by the African Union Commission;
• Facilitate experience sharing and lessons leant amongst Member States;
• Contribution to the development of knowledge management products (tools, methodologies, reports etc) on specific themes on Democracy and Governance, including facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogue processes (African Governance Newsletter);
• Support preparation of the budget and work plans of the Department;
• Actively integrates the inclusion of a gender perspective in all activities;
• Provide guidance for Policy, advice and support Head of Division for the effective implementation of AU programs and initiatives;
• Coordinate, and maintain strong relationship with the African partners and relevant stakeholders;
• Undertake any other task as requested by the leadership of the Department and Commission.

Qualifications and skills
Basic qualification requirements:   
Level and type of formal education: 
• University Degree, preferably post graduate, in Political Science, International Relations, Law or other disciplines related to democracy and good governance.

Professional experience• A minimum of 5 years of relevant working experience in the area of good governance, democracy, parliamentary strengthening, high level policy engagement etc
• Knowledge of the African Union essential especially experience in the area of policy initiation, design and implementation
• Knowledge of democracy assessment

Functional competencies:• Computer literacy;
• Ability to work in a team and maintain team spirit.
• Ability to work under pressure, and to act with discretion in a politically sensitive environment and to establish good working relationship both with Government authorities and colleagues
• Excellent drafting and reporting skills;
• Good communication and negotiating skills;
• Good planning and organizational skills.
• Considerable knowledge of research and analysis methods;
• Ability to maintain records, and prepare reports and correspondence
• related to the work;
• Ability to convene and manage high level meetings and events
• Ability to work on own initiative and under pressure.
• Excellent grasp of social media and Web 2.0 tools

Language skills: • English: Fluent written and oral
• Other: Any other widely spoken language in an International IDEA priority region would also be an asset.

Computer skills:   • Knowledge of Microsoft Office, internet and web search tools essential

Terms of contract:Local Post, one (1) year fixed term appointment. Salary €4679

Please note as this is a local post, International IDEA will bear no costs relating to relocation of the selected candidate to the duty station. This position is open to those legally authorized to work in Ethiopia.

Deadline for applications:
Applications should be submitted no later than 13 October 2013. Please note that all applications must be made in English.

International IDEA is an equal opportunity employer which seeks to further diversify its staff in terms of gender, culture and nationality.
Should internet not be an option, applications can be submitted to International IDEA by fax: +46-20 24 22 or by post: International IDEA, SE-103 34, Stockholm, Sweden
Application deadline: 13 October 2013

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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