The Tanzania Media Women Association (TAMWA) is a non-partisan, non-profit sharing professional media membership Association legally registered. Its vision is to see peaceful Tanzanian society which respects human rights from a gender perspective. TAMWA has a Crisis Resolving Centre (CRC) which provides Legal Aid and Counseling to clients with different socio-economic problems. CRC is looking for qualified candidates to fill the following positions:


Level of Education: MA: Law, Sociology, Community Development

·         Not less than five years experience as a coordinator or leading a recognized institution
·         Understanding of TAMWA, its work and its relationship to CRC
·         Understanding of the work of civil society organizations and the partnerships with TAMWA.
·         Computer literate.
·         Ability to work effectively and efficiently with minimum supervision and under tight deadlines.
·         Professionally competent
·         High level of interpersonal skills.
·         Excellent written and spoken English and Swahili.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the direction and supervision of the  TAMWA Executive Director:
·         To plan and lead the implementation of the daily activities of the centre
·         To oversee the smooth implementation of strategic and operational activities.
·     To supervise, coach and mentor the Legal Officer and Social Worker.
·         To ensure the smooth provision of legal and counseling services to clients.
·         To compile daily, weekly and monthly reports as submitted by the legal and social officers.
·         To prepare Governing Board meetings.
·         To act as the Secretary to the Governing Board meetings.
·         To work with the Governing Board in preparing Annual General Meetings.
·         To prepare narrative reports of the Centre.
·         To write/prepare proposals for the Centre.
·         To work with the Executive Director in preparing annual budgets, strategic plans and annual implementation plans for the Centre.
·         To prepare narrative, quarterly and yearly project implementation reports.
·         To undertake any other duties assigned by the Executive Director.

Level of Education: Degree in LAW

·         Not less than 3 years experience with a civil society organisation.
·         Understanding of Laws and how they relate to everyday life
·         Understanding of CRC’s operations and its relation with other organizations/associations that provide support to survivors of GBV
·         Computer literate.
·         Ability to work effectively and efficiently with minimum supervision and under tight deadlines.
·         High level of interpersonal skills.
·         Can take initiatives
·         Excellent written and spoken English and Swahili.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the supervision of the Coordinator:
·         To assist in providing legal services to clients.
·         To inform the Coordinator on issues that need attention
·         To develop and maintain a file of clients, their issues and outcomes
·         To prepare daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
·         To recommend and direct client on different legal matters/issues ( to the Court of law, Ward Officer, Social Welfare  and reconciliation if need arises)
·         To liaise between the CRC and other institutions in order to provide clients with necessary information and assistance.
·         To undertake any other duties as assigned by the CRC Coordinator.


Level of Education: Degree in Social Work.

·         Not less than 3 years experience with a civil society organisation.
·         Computer literate.
·         Ability to work effectively and efficiently with minimum supervision and sometimes under tight deadlines.
·         Understanding of CRC’s operations and its relation with other organizations/associations that provide support to survivors of GBV
·         High level of interpersonal skills.
·         Can take initiatives
·         Excellent written and spoken English and Swahili.

Duties and Responsibilities:
·         To provide social counseling services to clients.
·         To prepare reports on clients who have been counseled.
·         To inform the Coordinator on issues that need attention
·         To develop and maintain a file of clients, their issues and outcomes
·         To prepare daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
·         To ensure clients who need immediate medical attention are taken to hospital.
·         To network with places where abused and needy children can be sheltered and receive required attention.
·         To research on and apply effective and efficient approaches for counseling.
·         To undertake any other duties as assigned by the CRC Coordinator.

Those interested should send their CV and copies of their certificates indicating on the subject line the post they are applying for.

DEADLINE: 18th October 2013

Applications should be sent to:
Executive Director, TAMWA, P. O. BOX 8981, DSM        E-mail: valeriem@tamwa.org

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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