Senior Investment Officer – Portfolio Management

Senior Investment Officer – Portfolio Management
Job details
Reference number: EADB/SIOPM/2013
Job Title:  Senior  Investment Officer – Portfolio ManagementSupervisor: Portfolio Manager
Location: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda – tenure up to 3 years
Job summary
The Senior Investment Officer – Portfolio Management is responsible for ensuring that the extension, servicing, monitoring and collection of loans and other facilities (finance leases, equity investments, etc.) by the relevant operating units, is done in strict adherence to set institutional standards and practices as spelt out in the relevant investment policies, procedure manuals and client agreements. The job holder is accountable for identifying, and mitigating any process shortcomings to enable the Bank extend service and collect loans in a safe and sound manner.
Key responsibilities
  • Support the development of disbursement policies and conditions as well as project supervision guidelines and share the same with clients and investment officers;
  • Assess progress reports and recommend or deny disbursement;
  • Work with investment officers to guide or provide technical assistance to project promoters;
  • Evaluate supervision reports and troubleshoot any problems detected. Carrying  out periodic sample based rapid portfolio reviews and stress tests as an early problem loan identification mechanism;
  • Propose solutions to pre-empt problems in the portfolio;
  • Identify projects, clients showing signs of stress, delinquency or deteriorating credit rating and in liaison with the responsible Country Manager, transfer primary responsibility for managing the projects to the Workout Unit;
  • Track key covenants and terms and conditions contained in loan agreements with borrowers and ensure that Project Officers are monitoring their observance;
  • Track the billing and repayment processes and ensure that concerned Investment Officers make timely debt collection;
  • Carryout portfolio analysis to establish the quality of the Bank’s portfolio and propose change recommendations;
  • Research and keep abreast with market movement, financial/ economic policies and trends in the region, analyze their impact to the Bank’s investments and propose interventions to management timeously; and
  • Carry out any other duties assigned by Management.
If your career aspirations match these challenging and exciting roles, please write in confidence quoting the position title on the subject of the email or cover letter on or before Monday 22nd July 2013. Applications, including your curriculum vitae, a working e-mail address, daytime telephone contacts, qualifications, experience, present position, current remuneration, names and addresses of three referees should be sent to All applications should be sent online by email. Applicants for all positions must be nationals of the EADB Member States except where expressly indicated. Applicants who had earlier applied for re-advertised positions should not apply for the same positions.
Applicants will be required to address the following information directly to KPMG:
1) A reference letter from their immediate past employer.
2) A character reference from an individual who has known the applicant for at least 3 years.
The EADB reserves the right not to offer or make any appointments, and to offer and make appointments on other terms and conditions. Successful candidates should be ready to assume duty before 1 October 2013.
EADB will only contact applicants being considered for an interview.
Senior Investment Officer – Portfolio Management Senior Investment Officer – Portfolio Management Reviewed by Unknown on 8:54:00 AM Rating: 5
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