Head of Operations
Job details
Reference number: EADB/HO/2013
Job Title:  Head of OperationsSupervisor: Director General
Location: Uganda – tenure up to three (3) years
Job summary
The Head of Operations is responsible for directing all the Bank’s lending activities in the region, and shall take full accountability for the overall performance of the Operations Department. The position ensures strategic relevance, economic justification, sustainability and quality of the Bank’s lending operations as well as the establishment, monitoring and evaluation of service standards.
Key responsibilities
  • Provide strategic leadership to the Operations department and guide all its activities to support the Bank’s growth strategies and achieve projected business results.
  • Initiate, establish and maintain the Bank’s operating policies and procedures; monitor and ensure their regular update and consistent application.
  • Drive operational processes, maintaining effectiveness and efficiencies while monitoring compliance to relevant local and international regulations as well as total client satisfaction.
  • Design a risk management framework for the department and supervise activities to ensure that the risks associated with the Bank’s new project lending, equity investments, asset leasing and guarantee operations are clearly identified, are acceptable and that appropriate mitigation measures are instituted.
  • Institute regular quality checks and assessment on the Bank’s portfolio and prepare monthly reports showing the portfolio status.
  • Design project appraisal policies and guidelines to ensure that the quality of appraisals is at international standards enabling management to make the right investment decisions.
  • Design disbursement and supervision policies, monitor the performance of all projects financed by the Bank and initiate/ authorise immediate remedial actions where problems are identified.
  • Establish and maintain clear project performance metrics to track and evaluate loan portfolio quality, efficiency of the operations systems and the performance of staff against stated business objectives.
  • Develop and manage a team of highly skilled professionals and motivate them to grow the Bank’s business and deliver quality results.
  • Monitor daily operations in order to ensure the achievement of a firm level of compliance to internal controls and adherence to the highest standards of quality both within the processes and in the services to clients.
  • Carry out any other tasks assigned by management.
If your career aspirations match these challenging and exciting roles, please write in confidence quoting the position title on the subject of the email or cover letter on or before Monday 22nd July 2013. Applications, including your curriculum vitae, a working e-mail address, daytime telephone contacts, qualifications, experience, present position, current remuneration, names and addresses of three referees should be sent to esdeadb@kpmg.co.ke. All applications should be sent online by email. Applicants for all positions must be nationals of the EADB Member States except where expressly indicated. Applicants who had earlier applied for re-advertised positions should not apply for the same positions.
Applicants will be required to address the following information directly to KPMG:
1) A reference letter from their immediate past employer.
2) A character reference from an individual who has known the applicant for at least 3 years.
The EADB reserves the right not to offer or make any appointments, and to offer and make appointments on other terms and conditions. Successful candidates should be ready to assume duty before 1 October 2013.
EADB will only contact applicants being considered for an interview.
EAST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK , Head of Operations EAST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK , Head of Operations Reviewed by Unknown on 8:54:00 AM Rating: 5
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