Team Leader - Biodiversity/Environment Expert

This technical assistance (TA) team comprising 3 long-term technical assistants for the duration of the programme (50 months).

The technical assistance (TA) team will assist the IOC in the implementation of the project, including theprovision of:
1. technical expertise tasks, including biodiversity management, institutional support, implementation of the callsfor proposals;

2. administrative, preparatory and ancillary tasks relating to planning, monitoring, reporting on projectcomponents, procurement, and financial management.

The programme will be implemented using partially decentralised management through the signature of afinancing agreement with the Secretary-General of the IOC, which is the Regional Authorising Officer andalso acts as the supervisor of the programme. Part of the activities will be implemented through programmeestimates, and managed by the Project Management Unit through private indirect decentralised operations.The body signing this contract shall be responsible for the financial management of the part of the projectimplemented under programme estimates. Part of the activities will be implemented through grants awardedfurther to a call for proposals to be committed either through programme estimates or as specific commitments

To apply
Applications and updated CV should be submitted to

Team Leader - Biodiversity/Environment Expert Team Leader - Biodiversity/Environment Expert Reviewed by Unknown on 7:26:00 AM Rating: 5
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