Capacity Building Manager, Iringa Region, Tanzania

Duration: 2 years (24 working months; first one year, then 4 months / year)

Post location: Iringa region, Tanzania

Key qualifications
  • Masters in social science, sociology or equivalent
  • Working experience as a manager/coordinator of human resources development 
  • Experience and knowledge in inclusive human resources management 
  • Minimum 8 years of working experience, including at least 1 year international experience 
  • Professional command of written and spoken English
Main Functions:
  • Coordinate and supervise the capacity building activities (training, development of guidelines and manuals, networking with training providers and clients) 
  • Ensure that inclusion and vulnerability issues are embedded in all training activities, both in the selection of participants and as topics in relevant trainings 
  • Support the Programme Director, Training Expert and component teams (Task teams) in all capacity building and training related matters 
  • Support networking with training providers and clients 
  • Monitor the implementation of capacity building and training processes
Specific Functions
  • Manage the training needs and training delivery assessments 
  • Manage the preparation of the short-term and long-term training plans 
  • Coordinate the SHTC Feasibility Study, and if found feasible, support the re-establishment of the SHTC in close collaboration with the TFS and private sector 
  • Prepare TORs for specific capacity building and training processes and supervise their execution
  • Preparation of strategies for inclusive human resources development (widows, persons with
  • HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children, persons with disabilities, etc.) 
  • Guide the Training Expert and component teams in implementation of training activities 
  • When feasible, cooperate and work together with FTI in preparing and implementing demand driven training in plantation forestry, including also agro-forestry 
  • Facilitate training of trainers 
  • Develop cooperation with relevant training providers and clients and support their capacity building and development of curricula for trainings relevant to the Program
Interested candidates should forward their CV as soon as possible, or latest 31 July 2013 through
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Capacity Building Manager, Iringa Region, Tanzania Capacity Building Manager, Iringa Region, Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 4:55:00 AM Rating: 5
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