Afdb Principal Board Proceedings and Liaison Officer

  • Position title: Principal Board Proceedings and Liaison Officer
  • Grade: PL-4
  • Position N°: 50001410
  • Reference: ADB/13/113
  • Publication date: 26/07/2013
  • Closing date: 15/08/2013


The mandate of the Vice Presidency General Secretariat (SEGL) is essentially to: (i) provide secretariat services for the Boards of Governors, the Boards of Directors and their subsidiary organs and manage relations between these Boards and Senior Management; (ii) coordinate statutory relations between Senior Management, the Boards and Member States; (iii) provide administrative services, protocol services and support to Elected Officers; (iv) plan, organize and follow-up events organized by the Bank. Furthermore, SEGL is responsible for the documentation, the archives as well as the Conference services and infrastructures of the Bank group. SEGL also provides protocol services for the whole Institution.

Duties and responsibilities

Under the supervision of the Division Manager, Board Proceedings and Documents (SEGL.1), the incumbent will perform the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Prepare statutory documents for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors: (i) the agenda of meetings of the Boards of Governors (in consultation with the Office of the President and Vice Presidential Complexes); (ii) Designation of Bureau members and the Joint Steering Committee; (iii) Designation of the Standing Committee on Conditions of Service of Elected Officers.
  • Help compile documents included in the agenda of the Boards of Governors on time; draw the attention of the Vice President Secretary General and departments concerned on time limits;
  • Monitor the decisions and resolutions taken by the Board of Governors with a view to preparing status reports for the Boards and the draft work programme for the subsequent year.
  • Prepare and submit to the Boards of Governors documents relating to the composition of the subsidiary organs of the Boards of Governors.
  • Organize the work of subsidiary organs of the Boards of Governors (Governors’ Consultative Committee, Permanent Committee on the Conditions of Service of Elected Officers and the Joint Steering Committee: (i) prepare invitation letters; (ii) prepare meeting agendas and programmes; (iii) monitor, coordinate and compile working documents for meetings; and (iv) monitor meeting recommendations.
  • Prepare background papers, analyses and recommendations for use by the Vice President Secretary General during meetings of subsidiary organs of the Boards of Governors.
  • Organize and monitor postal votes and produce final reports on these votes to be forwarded to the Board of Directors and Board of Governors.
  • Help prepare and organize elections of the Bank President and Executive Directors (general elections and by-elections).
  • Prepare documents for the Boards of Directors: (i) renewal of Board Committees; (ii) assumption of duty by the Dean; and (iii) appointment of ADB Executive Directors to the ADF Board of Directors.
  • Maintain and monitor relations with Bank Member Countries by assuring the official correspondence of the ADB President: (i) drafting of congratulatory messages to Heads of States and Governors during celebration of their national holidays, (ii) drafting congratulatory messages to new Governors and Alternate Governors; (ii) drafting congratulatory messages to new Ambassadors accredited to the Temporary Relocation Agency; (iv) drafting complimentary messages to all Heads of States at the end of the year; (v) drafting condolence messages; (v) drafting thank you messages; and (vii) drafting replies to confirm or decline invitations addressed to the Bank President.
  • Coordinate negotiations on the admission or withdrawal of Member States and manage relations with States for ADB capital increase or ADF replenishment, in collaboration with GECL and FTRY.
  • Regularly update and publish the status of voting powers of member States in cooperation with FTRY.
  • Perform any other administrative duty or documentary research required by the Vice President Secretary General or Division Manager.

Selection Criteria

  • At least a Master’s degree in Law, International Relations, Public Administration or other related disciplines;
  • Preferably a minimum of six (6) years of relevant professional experience and thorough understanding of the rules governing the composition and functioning of Multilateral Development Banks’ Boards of Directors and Boards of Governors and their subsidiary organs;
  • Familiarity with the organization of work and internal procedures of the Boards of Directors and Boards of Governors;
  • Sound knowledge of Multilateral Development Bank’s rules, policies and procedures and the functioning of their Secretariat;
  • Ability to work quickly and produce recommendations; strong and proven analytical and communication skills;
  • Ability to meet client needs and achieve results, paying attention to detail (rigour);
  • Excellent ability to communicate in French and/or English, good working knowledge of the other language;
  • Mastery of the software applications currently used in the Bank (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

Document download

Apply online

To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.
  • Submitted by: Amir Zahir, Division Manager, CHRM.1
  • Approved by: Joseph O. Badaki, Director, CHRM
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