Consultant for evaluation of mama course program (Right to education program)

Karibu Tanzania Association (KTA) is a member based umbrella organization, formed by 55 Folk Development Colleges (FDCs). KTA has operated as a civil society organization since 1990.  KTA’s role is to strengthen the colleges in order for them to be able to fulfill their role in promoting folk education and adult learning. Together with the FDC’s, KTA play an important role in working with the local community and the local civil society organizations in promoting a better understanding, knowledge and respect for gender/human rights and the connection between these rights and the serious problems facing them in everyday life in most parts of the marginalized rural Tanzania.
KTA seeks to recruit a consultant for evaluation of mama course program (Right to education program) in its three old FDCs in the program based in Njombe and Iringa Regions and three new FDCs in the program based in Mbinga,Morogoro and Pwani Regions.
Background information
Mama course is a program designed to support girls and young women who have been chased out of school because of pregnancy. Girls as young mother, children robed their childhood into adult responsibilities. KTA recruit the young mothers to FDCs together with their children for social rehabilitation and skills building to advance livelihood into their community of origin. Karibu Tanzania Association have since 2000 been running a Mama Course project in three FDCs namely Ulembwe FDC, Njombe FDC and Ilula FDC, all in Iringa and Njombe regions and from 2013, KTA has extended the course to six FDCs( the new FDCs in this program are Bigwa, Ikwiriri and Mbinga FDC from Ruvuma,Morogoro and Pwani regions).
Scope of the Assignment
The evaluation exercise is planned to be conducted in August 2013.
The evaluator is expected to prepare an evaluation
proposal, study design, methodological framework, tools and Evaluation report aiming to. This evaluation is expected to be used as baseline for extension or duplication of the program.
  • enhance the project’s relevance, efficiency and effectiveness;
  • suggest improvements for the possible following phase of implementation and project replication;
  • demonstrate the project’s achievements, challenges and lessons learned;
  • Generate findings regarding the effectiveness of trainings in FDCs and its effects on community, especially women and girls;
  • Indicate any risks that may compromise the successful implementation of the following phase or replication of the project and suggest actions to overcome it.
Qualification and competencies

Interested candidates or consulting firm must demonstrate that:
  • knowledge of designing and evaluating social programs
  • demonstrated social skills and proven experience project evaluation, research on education, gender and human right issues
  • familiarity with education system in Tanzania and its challenges
Application requirements

Candidates or consultants with the above criteria are invited to submit a technical proposal by email to  
Proposals with maximum four pages should include:
  • Title of previous and relevant assignments with contact information of clients
  • design and methodology
  • work schedules
  • In separate email, the proposed budget including consultants daily rates
  • Consultants CVs ( in annex)
All proposal should be received not later than 09/08/2013
Consultant for evaluation of mama course program (Right to education program) Consultant for evaluation of mama course program (Right to education program) Reviewed by Unknown on 8:37:00 AM Rating: 5
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