Senior Investment Officer – Project Appraisal

Senior Investment Officer – Project Appraisal
Job details
Reference number: EADB/SIOPA/2013
Job Title:  Senior Investment Officer – Project AppraisalSupervisor: Project Appraisal Manager
Location: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda – Tenure up to 3 years
Job summary
The Senior Investment Officer – Project Appraisal is responsible for tracking, monitoring and processing of client’s applications and ensuring that all projects meet specified criteria and are expeditiously handled in line with the Bank’s Investment Policy and Guidelines as amended from time to time.
Key responsibilities
  • Support the development of appraisal guidelines and quality standards for the operations function, specifically initiate amendment of project appraisal processes to suit the changing business environment.
  • Guide investment officers in analyzing financial projections, budgets, and in the investment evaluation process.
  • Develop portfolio standards and oversee their implementation.
  • Carryout detailed analysis of all project proposals, interrogate all appraisal reports, examine adherence to governance requirements and other standards set by the Bank and assess risk factors to ensure projects meet institutional standards prior to submission to Credit Committee.
  • Gather and analyze company financial statements, industry, regulatory and economic information to determine viability of proposed investment projects.
  • Prepare reports for Credit Committee summarizing data, describing current and long term investment risks, economic influences pertinent to proposed investments and suitability of investment in view of the Bank’s standard.
  • Keep abreast with market developments, new investment products and all other areas that can affect the markets, e.g. movements in the East African economies.
  • Develop and maintain contacts to gain market information, research and analyzes financial information to forecast business, industry, and economic conditions, for use in making investment decisions.
  • Develop comparative credit analysis of credit profiles of key players in the Bank’s main client sectors.
  • Interpret data concerning price, yield, stability, and future trends of investments and disseminate the information to investment officers and management.
  • Support the legal team in preparing investment covenants that will protect the Bank’s interests at all times and ensure that the clients meet all their obligation before handing over the projects to the project supervision team for disbursement.
  • Carry out any other responsibilities assigned by Management.
If your career aspirations match these challenging and exciting roles, please write in confidence quoting the position title on the subject of the email or cover letter on or before Monday 22nd July 2013. Applications, including your curriculum vitae, a working e-mail address, daytime telephone contacts, qualifications, experience, present position, current remuneration, names and addresses of three referees should be sent to All applications should be sent online by email. Applicants for all positions must be nationals of the EADB Member States except where expressly indicated. Applicants who had earlier applied for re-advertised positions should not apply for the same positions.
Applicants will be required to address the following information directly to KPMG:
1) A reference letter from their immediate past employer.
2) A character reference from an individual who has known the applicant for at least 3 years.
The EADB reserves the right not to offer or make any appointments, and to offer and make appointments on other terms and conditions. Successful candidates should be ready to assume duty before 1 October 2013.
EADB will only contact applicants being considered for an interview.
Senior Investment Officer – Project Appraisal Senior Investment Officer – Project Appraisal Reviewed by Unknown on 8:54:00 AM Rating: 5
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