Communications Coordinator

Melbourne, Australia has been chosen to host the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014), the largest international meeting on HIV, where every two years 25,000 participants representing all stakeholders in the global response to HIV meet to assess progress and identify future priorities. AIDS 2014 is convened and organized by the International AIDS Society (IAS), in partnership with government, scientific and civil society partners in Australia, the Asia Pacific region and international partners from civil society and the United Nations. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the International AIDS Society is the world’s leading independent association of HIV professionals. In order to effectively organize the conference, a Local Secretariat based in Melbourne and headed by the Head of Local Secretariat (HLS), has been set up as the focal point for AIDS 2014 activities in Melbourne and Australia. The Communications Coordinator role will start as part-time position (50%) from early September until December 1st, 2013 and then full time thereafter until August 31st, 2014.
How to apply:
Only candidates from Australia holding a valid work permit will be considered. Initial telephone interviews will take place in August 2013, and then those shortlisted will be invited for interview– interviews will take place at the Secretariat office in Melbourne, Australia with a video link to Geneva. Applicants should have a keen interest in HIV and AIDS. More information can be found at and Your application should be written in English and include your resume or CV, a personal letter (not more than one page), salary expectations, and a specification of your skills as requested above. Send your application by email by August 9th.
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