National Institute for Medical Research Vacancies

The Muhimbili Medical Research Centre of the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme (NTLP) under the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) are conducting a first National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey in Tanzania.
On behalf of the Director General of the National Institute for Medical Research, the Centre Director of Muhimbili Medical Research Centre wishes to advertise the following posts which are required to be filled with highly motivated and competent Tanzanians on contract basis for a period of one year with possibility of renewal, for the survey mentioned above.

1. Job Title: Registration Clerk (3 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland
Responsible to: Administrator of project
Duties and Responsibilities
• Assist in registration process of patients with TB, and TB/HIV
• Update data base for registration
• Provide statistics as required
• Draft routine correspondence and reports
Qualifications and experience
• Secondary School Education or higher
• Ability to write and speak English and Kiswahili
• Computer skills
• Experience in data registration
• Research Experience will be an added advantage
• Not more than 45 years of age.
2. Job Title: Census taker ( 4 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland
Responsible to: Field Supervisor
Duties and Responsibilities
• Visit eligible households
• Explain purpose of visit and survey
• Obtain census data form eligible households
• Provide unique identifiers for household and its individuals
• Provide appointment for visiting the field site in form of a card that has a unique identifier
• Obtain information on assets

Qualifications and experience
• Bachelor or Advanced Dipl. in Statistics
• 3 years experience in Census or field work
• Preferably experience in field work in a research setting
• Experienced in census taking
• Good administration and organizational skills
• Adequate social skills to interact with the survey population

3. Job Title: Tuberculin Nurse (6 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland
Responsible to: Field Supervisor
Duties and Responsibilities
• Prepare children for test.
• Perform the test.
• Record and report results in the field laboratory form
• Provide feed-back of findings

Qualifications and experience
• Grade B or Enrolled Nurse
• Preferable experience in research or field work

4. Job Title: Counselor (3 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland
Responsible to: Field Supervisor
Duties and Responsibilities
• Ensure that HIV kit and other supplies are in place
• Register TB suspect in an HIV testing form by using ID number
• Counsel and Obtain written informed consent from TB suspect
• Perform rapid HIV testing
• Record the results of HIV in HIV form and provide post test counseling
• Provide HIV test results to the participant and refer him/her to nearest CTC for further routine HIV care

Qualifications and experience
• Trained nurse in counseling and testing
• Have experience in HIV counseling and testing
• Preferable experience in research or field work

5. Job Title: Interviewer (3 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland
Responsible to: Field Supervisor
Duties and Responsibilities
• Conduct symptom screen
• Refer participants for X-ray screen
Qualifications and experience
• Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
• Experience in field work in a research setting will be an added advantage
• Adequate social skills to interact with the survey population
• Adequate social skills to interact with the survey population

6. Job Title: Radiographers (6 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland
Responsible to: Medical Superintendent, respective hospital.
• Monitor and adjust safety issues daily
• Inform participants on procedure
• Perform x-ray
• Read X-ray and decide on presence of abnormalities
• Record results in x-ray forms
• Refer participants to receptionist 2
• Digital storage of image

Qualifications and experience
• Diploma in Radiology
• Preferably experience in field work in a research setting
• Not more than 45 years of age.

7. Job Title: Microscopist
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland.
Responsible to: Medical Superintendent and Head, Head central TB Reference Laboratory
Duties and Responsibilities
• Instruct participants on how to collect sputum
• Receive sputum specimens
• Perform LED microscopy
• Record results in the field laboratory form
• Provide feed-back of findings
• Liase with DTLC and team leader for TB management
• Prepare specimens for shipment
• Not more than 45 years of age.
Qualifications and experience
• Diploma in Laboratory Science
• Experience in TB will be an added advantage
• Ability to use microscope appropriately.
• Preferably experience in field work in a research setting

8. Job Title: Logistic Officer (1 post)
Duty station: TLCU
Responsible to: Study coordinator
Duties and Responsibilities
• Perform administrative duties related to the study project
• Coordinate meetings related to the study project
• Assist to coordinate personnel movement and welfare issues in the project.
• Manage logistics and supplies of the study project
• Any other duties as assigned by the Programme Manager
Qualifications and experience
• Secondary School Education
• Can write and speak English and Kiswahili
• Research Experience will be an added advantage

9. Job Title: Data entry clerk (2 posts)
Duty station: TLCU
Responsible to: Field Supervisor
Duties and Responsibilities
• organizing information from forms and register
• Enter information in pre –set data entry screens
• Back up entered data
• Properly store hard copies of forms and registers
Qualifications and experience
• Preferably experience in field work in a research setting
• Experience in data entry
• Good administration and organizational skills
10. Job Title: Field team leaders (3 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania
Responsible to: Study supervisor
Job description:
• Visit the selected clusters before the fieldwork
• Provide final map of area to be sampled (sub sampling or adding additional sampling units)
• Lead the field team
• Be responsible for logistics and organization during the fieldwork
• Coordinate the day-to-day fieldwork
• Liaise with local, district and provincial authorities on issues regarding the fieldwork
• Provide a final field report for the survey coordinator at the end of the field work in each cluster
• Liaise with the field supervisor on a frequent basis
• Report without delay any problems in implementing the survey protocol in the field
Qualifications and experience
• Advanced Diploma in Medicine, Research experience will be an added advantage
• Preferably at least 2 years of experience in field work in research projects
• Managerial skills
• Expertise in field work
• Team player and motivator

17. Job Title: Sociologist (2posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania Mainland.
Responsible to: Study coordinator
Duties and Responsibilities
• Visit and prepare clusters
• Inform community leaders on the purpose of survey
• Encourage full participation through dialogue with community leaders
• Provide feedback to team leaders
• Any other duties as assigned by the Programme Manager
Qualifications and experience
Bachelor Degree in any field of Social Sciences, with experience in research work

18. Job Title: Drivers (8 posts)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania
Responsible to: Programme Administrator and Health Secretary
Duties and Responsibilities
• Drive vehicle for office assignments and field visits
• Maintain mechanical and general cleanliness of vehicles and minor repairs.
• Report any minor and major services of the vehicle to the administrator
• Dispatch office letters, documents and parcels to other offices
• Regular recording of logbook
• Do any other activities assigned by the Programme Manager or the Administrator of NTLP
Qualifications and experiences
• Form IV or VI leaver
• Possess a valid driver’s license of class ‘C’
• At least three years experience in driving
• Not involved in any traffic offence for the past three years.
• Fluent in Swahili and English
• Not more than 45 years of age

19. Job Title: Field supervisor (1post)
Duty station: Districts of Tanzania
Responsible to: Field team leaders
Job description:
• Visit the selected clusters before the fieldwork
• Provide final map of area to be sampled (sub sampling or adding additional sampling units)
• Supervise and link the two field teams
• Be responsible for logistics and organization during the fieldwork
• Coordinate the day-to-day fieldwork
• Provide a final field report for the survey coordinator at the end of the field work in each cluster
• Liaise with the survey coordinator on a frequent basis
• Report without delay any problems in implementing the survey protocol in the field
Qualifications and experience:
• Preferably at least 2 years of experience in field work in research projects
• Managerial skills
• Knowledge of Tuberculosis disease
• Expertise in field work
• Team player and motivator

20. Assistant Accountant
General Duties
The Assistant Accountant will be responsible to the Project Coordinator, primarily for delivering an effective and daily update of project accounts records. He/she will also be required to work closely with the Centre Accountant in updating and consolidating the project’s accounts records with those of the Centre to enable timely reporting.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities
 To prepare payment vouchers, write cheques, receive and pay out cash;
 File accounts documents, and maintain project’s accounts records;
 Prepare monthly bank reconciliation statements and expenditure reports;
 Maintain the project’s fixed assets register and inventory of equipments;
 Perform any other duties as may be assigned;

Qualifications and Personal Specifications
 Holder of Professional Level II of CPA (T) or equivalent;
 Holder of a University Degree(B.Com) majoring in Accounting or its equivalent from a recognised higher learning institution
 Holder of an Advanced Diploma in Accounting from a recognised higher learning institution;
 Holder of certificate in computerised accounting, word processing, and spreadsheet (Microsoft Office) computer applications
 Having work experience of at least two years especially in a computerised accounting system will be an added advantage
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in both English and Kiswahili
 Excellent organisational skills with the ability to organise time appropriately and effectively
 Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
 General flexibility in working hours, with a willingness to travel when required
 Commitment, enthusiasm and self-motivation and initiative

Duration: 2 years, renewable subject to funding

Duty station: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

21. Project Administrator

General Duties
The Administrator will be responsible to the Project Coordinator in carrying out daily administrative duties and attending to all personnel matters of the project. He/she will also be required to work closely with the Head of Finance and Administration Department at the Centre in dealing with all administrative and personnel matters.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities
 To supervise project junior project staff
 To assist in organising daily project activities and seminars, conferences, symposia, etc.
 To deal with protocol matters
 To handle disciplinary matters
 To maintain personnel records
 To interpret labour laws, staff circulars, and staff regulations
 To perform any other duties as may be assigned

Qualification And Personal Specifications
 Holder of a University Degree in Public/Business Administration/International Relations from a recognised higher learning institution
 Holder of an advanced Diploma in Public/Business Administration from a recognised higher learning institution
 Post qualification working experience of at least three years in administration of project related activities
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Excellent organisational skills with the ability to organise time appropriately and effectively
 Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
 General flexibility in working hours, with a willingness to travel when required
 Commitment, enthusiasm and self-motivation and initiative
 Excellent computing skills (Microsoft Office)

Duration: 1 year, renewable subject to funding

Duty station: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


22. POST TITLE: Assistant Study Coordinator - 2 Positions

JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate medical research activities as part of a US National Institutes of Health grant that is investigating bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and human tuberculosis (TB) in the Iringa region. Additional duties will involve liaising with district officials, local organizations, and research project members to facilitate sample collection. Data entry, data management, report writing, and training of students and research personnel will also be required.

• Appropriate MD graduate
• Appropriate GCP training and experience preferred
• Good research experience on TB/HIV preferred
• Ability to initiate work independently and be able to work as part of an international team of American and Tanzanian scientists
• Ability to organize sample collection and appropriate storage adhering to standard operating procedures
• Good communicator (orally and written, both English and Kiswahili) with strong interpersonal skills and facilitating qualities (for student and staff training)
• Computer literate, with experience in data abstraction, data management, writing reports, and using the internet
• Familiarity with budgets and accounting, and ability to deliver within a budget
• Ability to supervise, coordinate and organize field teams of technicians and supporting staff
• Ability to coordinate and manage logistics within fieldwork
• Experience working in multidisciplinary research environments and/or with Tanzanian Institutions
• Driving license preferable

Salary: An attractive salary based on NIMR salary scales with adjustment as offered by the project dependent upon qualifications.

Duration: 2 years contract renewable upon impressive performance

Duty Station: Iringa Region

Competitive attractive salaries attached to all posts depending on qualifications and experiences.
Mode of Applications
All applications should be enclosed with certified photocopies of relevant certificates and detailed curriculum vitae .Applicants are required to submit their applications not later than one week after the first appearance of this advertisement to the address below. Applicants are also reminded to indicate all contact information necessary with which information can reach them easily. Only shortlisted applicants will be notified. In case you do not here from us in two weeks time after the closing date consider yourself unsuccessful.

The Centre Director
National Institute for Medical Research
Muhimbili Medical Research Centre
P O Box 3436
Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA.

National Institute for Medical Research Vacancies National Institute for Medical Research Vacancies Reviewed by Unknown on 7:55:00 AM Rating: 5

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