Consultant to a pilot training project in Tanzania

The assignment is to develop a module curriculum for one of the two proposed modules (you find them attached). The Client is UONGOZI Institute. Below you find more information about the consultant requirements and the scope of the assignment.
For each module there two consultants are needed and they have 60 man-days together. I’m therefore both searching for international, regional and local consultants and would like your help in order to find suitable candidates.
Qualification and Experience of Consultant
  • ·         The consultancy shall involve a maximum of two (2) consultants. These are Team Leader and team member. Therefore, the Team Leader and the team member must be identified and both should have the following minimum qualifications:
  • ·         Knowledge of Kiswahili and familiarity with the local environment is an advantage.
  • A Masters Degree or above in Public Administration, Business Administration,    International Development, Development Studies, or any other related Social Science.
  • Additional training, expertise or practical experience in leadership development,  public service management, policy management, strategic management, communication skills, report writing,  leading change, public sector reforms or in any other relevant field.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in delivery of similar programmes to senior government officials.
  • Experience in curriculum design, development and review; as well as in the development of training manuals and materials for executive training.
  • Demonstrated theoretical and practical knowledge and approaches of topics in question and leadership development issues in general.
  • Demonstrated expertise in modern methodologies of adult/participatory education.
  • Strong facilitation, communication and report writing skills.
  • Fluency in English.
  • Experience to have conducted similar training within the Sub Saharan region is an advantage.
3.0 Scope of Assignment
The scope of the assignment broadly involves design and development of training materials; pilot delivery of the training material; reporting on the training; as well as monitor programme delivery and evaluate its effectiveness and potential impact. It also entails making any necessary revisions to the training materials after the pilot delivery, in consultation with the Client.

The detailed tasks of the assignment are outlined below:

3.1                       Stage 1:  Planning and Pre Design 
  • ·         Liaise with Client to ensure understanding of the scope, aims, objectives and methodology of the  assignment;
  • ·         Produce an Inception Report which clearly demonstrates understanding of the aims, objectives, as well as the scope of the assignment; and outlines, amongst other things, the specific Staffing Plan, and the  Work Plan which the Consultant intends to pursue to undertake the assignment. The Report shall also outline any foreseen constraints, and any inputs required from the Client.
  • ·         The Client shall review the Report and provide feedback within five (5) working days of its submission. The Consultant shall review and make necessary modifications to the draft and submit a Final Inception Report which incorporates Client’s comments and feedback on the Draft Report.
3.2.   Stage 2:  Design and Development of Training Modules & Materials
The Consultant shall design and develop training modules and related materials, as such that each module can be delivered on its own on a modular basis. The selected modules to be developed are appended herewith. The Consultant will be required to:
  • ·         Produce a draft annotated curriculum outline.
  • ·         Review and finalise the annotated curriculum outline taking into account, comments and modifications recommended by the Client.
  • ·         Design and develop draft training materials. The full set of materials will include a Handbook, Facilitator’s Guide, Participant Workbook, Power Point Slides, Handouts, Case Studies, and Role Play Exercises as appropriate.
  • ·         Revise and finalise all materials based on feedback from the Client.
  • ·         Devise a Training Evaluation Form to be completed by participants at the end of the pilot testing of the training materials.
3.3                       Stage 3:  Pilot Delivery
The Consultant is expected to pilot the training materials by delivering training to senior government officials, with the aim of testing the materials and subsequently revise them if necessary. During this phase, the Consultant will be required to:
  • Prepare a detailed training timetable.
  • Liaise with the Client to provide information that will assist in the co-ordination of logistical arrangements for the conduct of the assignment, including information on any technical support, training aids and facilities required as well as preferred set up of training venue.
  • Any other activity in preparation for the pilot delivery of the training programme.
  • Deliver the training modules to relevant cohorts.

3.4.     Stage 4:   Monitoring and Evaluation of the Training
  • ·         The Consultant shall monitor and evaluate the programme delivery whereby periodic reviews of participants’ reaction and learning will be conducted during the training. At the end of each training event, evaluation forms filled by each participant will be administered, analysed and results incorporated into the Training Report.
  • ·         Evaluate potential effectiveness of the programmes at various levels– [Level 1: Participant Assessment & Feedback after training; and Level 2: Transfer of Learning during the training.

3.5.     Stage 5:  Reporting

(i)    A Draft Training Report
The Consultant shall, upon completion of the training, produce comprehensive draft training reports for the modules, including information on: the deliberations; issues and challenges in the delivery of the training; and a summary evaluation of participants’ assessment of the training.  The reports will: address all key aspects as stipulated in the Terms of Reference; document lessons learnt; provide advice on future capacity-strengthening activities in the particular subject area; and also provide recommendations for future course of action that will ensure the sustainability of the program. Attached as an Appendix to the Report will be the participants’ evaluation forms; each form providing information on individual participant’s feedback and comments on the training process and training outcomes along a range of dimensions (course content, methodology, facilitators, teaching aids, etc.). A Draft Report shall be submitted in electronic (MS Word/PDF) version to the Client for review and comments.

(ii)  A Final Training Report 
Upon receipt of the Client’s inputs the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the Client a Final Report by incorporating comments of the Client. The Final Report shall be submitted, electronically in editable format (MS Word/PDF) and three (3) printed hard copies, for approval by the Client..

3.6.     Stage 6: Revision of the Training Material.
Immediately after the training, the Consultant will be required to discuss with the Client  initial thoughts and to engage in preliminary discussions on changes being recommended to the training materials and training methodology, based on participant feedback and own observations. The Consultant shall incorporate the recommendations for revision of the training material and methodology in the training reports, and shall proceed to make the necessary revisions to the original materials, upon the approval of the client.
For more Detail Please Contact
Lucia Acosta
Business Development Director
SIPU International AB
PO Box 45113
SE-104 30  Stockholm, SWEDEN
Visiting address: Dalagatan 7
Phone: +46 (0)8 698 06 00
Skype: luciaacostanegrin

Consultant to a pilot training project in Tanzania Consultant to a pilot training project in Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 3:33:00 AM Rating: 5
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