Teaching English online to students

We are looking for volunteers to conduct online English classes for children. The volunteers must be fluent in English and in Swahili. Volunteers also must enjoy working with children, have a passion to teach, and must be willing to work together with a group of international volunteers. Volunteers must commit to teaching for 1 year, and 2 hours per week. All classes will take place online via Skype. The duration of each class will be about an hour, starting 15:30 Tanzania time (GMT +3).

The project will begin as soon as possible. We will provide a short orientation to the volunteers to teach them about the school and the project itself. Also, the Ann Foundation will provide curriculum materials for teaching the classes.
Number of volunteers: 5

The Ann Foundation seeks to provide education to children who lack meaningful access to education and other opportunities. Specifically, we work to provide English classes to disabled and otherwise underprivileged and under-served populations. This new project will help us to spread our mission into Tanzania and to make a difference in the lives of children there.

We will educate the children in English, giving them important communication skills that can open up opportunities for them in their future education and eventually in their lives in the work force as well.
Region or country
Tanzania, United Republic of
Development topic

Volunteers must be fluent in English and Swahili, since the children will speak Swahili and will, initially, have little or no knowledge of English. Volunteers must also enjoy working with children and ideally should have some teaching experience.
Areas of expertise
None in particular
English, Swahili
Hours per week
Duration in weeks
How to Apply;
Deadline : None
Teaching English online to students Teaching English online to students Reviewed by Unknown on 4:18:00 AM Rating: 5
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