Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief,  is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as GIS/IT Officer – REGAL-IR. The GIS (Geographic Information System) Officer will report to the REGAL – IR M&E Director and will be responsible for all project level activities in relation to GIS mapping. The position will manage the introduction, data collection and development of the required system at project level involving GIS mapping and management.
Closing date: 25th July 2013

Technical Advisor, Livelihoods – REGAL – IR
Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief,  is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Technical Advisor, Livelihoods for the REGAL IR Program being implemented in Kenya. Based in the REGAL IR Program Office  in  Isiolo  County,  the  TA,  Livelihoods  will  be  a  full-time  member  of  the  REGAL  IR  team reporting to the Chief of Party (CoP) and will play a crucial role in the management of this development program funded by USAID/Feed the Future Initiative.
Closing date: 19th July 2013
Senior Communications Officer – REGAL -IR
Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief,  is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Senior Communications Officer for the REGAL IR Program being implemented in Kenya. Reporting to the Regional Communications and Advocacy Manager and managing the day-to-day communications needs of the program, the Senior Communications Officer will oversee the implementation of the REGAL-IR Communication strategy, which includes a wide-range of public-information and outreach activities in support of the REGAL-IR program, targeting information to specific audiences both in Kenya and the United States.
Closing date: 12th July 2013
Program Development and Quality Director
Adeso is looking for a highly qualified professional to join it’s dynamic team as Program Development and Quality Director. The Program Development and Quality Director will manage and lead the Program Development and Quality Unit of Adeso in promoting improved program outcomes and impacts, cross-country learning, and the documentation, dissemination and replication of good practices.  The position holder will coordinate the provision of technical support to Adeso Country Programs, ensuring that project design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation/review processes meet the required quality standards.
Closing date: 16th July 2013
Country Director –Somalia
Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief,  is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Country Director, Somalia. The Country Director will have overall leadership and management responsibility for the Adeso Somalia Country Program (currently with projects in Puntland and South Central). The Country Director will play a critical role in the development and implementation of strategies necessary to further develop Adeso’s portfolio in the country as the implementer of choice for donors and governments.
Closing date: 30th July 2013
Logistics and Administration Officer – Galkayo, Somalia
Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief,  is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Logistics and Administration Officer (LAO) in Galkayo, Somalia. The Logistics and Administration Officer will provide logistical and administrative support and advice to the project team during the project implementation period. The support role of the officer will be focused on, but not limited to, the Mudug region of Somalia.
Closing date: 12th July 2013
Deputy Country Director – Somalia
Adeso is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Deputy Country Director-Somalia. The position is based in Nairobi and Somalia with regular travel to all program sites in  Somalia. The Deputy Country Director (DCD), in collaboration with the Somalia Country Director (CD), is responsible for the ongoing program planning and development, donor representation, and daily oversight and management of Adeso’s Somalia programs.

Closing date: 15th July 2013
Program Funding Manager – UK
Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief,  is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Program Funding Manager based in UK. The incumbent  will support the Adeso regional and country programs by prospecting and securing funding from UK, European and international donors (particularly trusts, foundations and private sector companies) and developing and maintaining good relationships with donor agencies/representatives.
Closing date: 9th July 2013

ADESO AFRICA JOBS JULY 2013 ADESO AFRICA JOBS JULY 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 6:52:00 AM Rating: 5
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