Consultancy: Photographer – Mudug, Sanaag & Puntland, Somalia

Consultancy: Photographer – Mudug, Sanaag & Puntland, Somalia
Adeso is seeking the services of a photographer to visually document the Livelihood and Emergency Assistance Project for Somalia (LEAPS) in Mudug, Sanaag and Puntland. The photographer will document major project activities in the program’s areas of operation, showing how the LEAPS intervention impacts the lives of Somalis. The photographs will be used to create a photo booklet about the project’s achievements, as well as for other online and print purposes.
Closing date: 11th July 2013

Consultancy: Photographer – Mudug, Sanaag & Puntland, Somalia Consultancy: Photographer – Mudug, Sanaag & Puntland, Somalia Reviewed by Unknown on 6:53:00 AM Rating: 5
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