The SFS Centre for Wildlife Management Studies in Kimana, Kenya
Reports to:
Centre Director, supported by SFS Dean
Start Date:
1 September 2011
Course Overview:
As one of three disciplinary courses taught, the Environmental Policy and Socioeconomic Values course is designed at a third-year university level to explore the social, cultural, economic and political context of the relationship between people and wildlife. The theoretical underpinnings draw on principles from human ecology, ecological anthropology, micro-and macroeconomics, development theory, philosophy and law. To understand present and future wildlife management in Tanzania, this course examines influences of traditional attitudes, national land tenure regimes and policy framework, international influences, economic conditions, natural resource potentials and constraints, and regulation on human-wildlife interactions.The course also introduces students to socioeconomic field research methods (such as participatory resource assessment and social surveys), data collection, data analysis, and scientific writing.The successful candidate will work closely with the lecturers in Wildlife Management and Wildlife Ecology to deliver an interdisciplinary program through education and research in a field setting. Each lecturer is expected to provide high quality, inquiry-based teaching and will lead students in Directed Research projects defined in the Centre’s research plan.
Minimum Qualifications:
■Kenyan work authorization required
■Ph.D. and university-level teaching experience in Environmental Policy, Socioeconomics, Anthropology, Environmental/ Ecological Economics, Rural Development/ Planning, or related field
■Field research experience, preferably related to environmental policy, rural livelihood, rural community-based land planning and management, among other related topics; use of both qualitative and quantitative social science research methods including ethnography, surveys and interviews, and valuation
■University-level teaching experience in Environmental Policy, Socioeconomics, Anthropology, Environmental Economics, or related field
■Good track record of research publications
■Demonstrated commitment to environmental issues
Fill out brief online application at http://fieldstudies.catsone.com/careers/index.php?m=portal&a=details&jobOrderID=390057
Resident Lecturer in Environmental Policy & Socioeconomics
Reviewed by Unknown
3:05:00 AM
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