The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) was founded in 1966 as an independent instrument of the United Nations with a special mission among others to assist developing countries in the development of their economies by supplementing existing sources of capital assistance by means of loans and grants. UNCDF makes investments in the Least Developed Countries ( LDCs). These investments are designed to help the LDCs reduce poverty and achive the objecticves of the Brussels Programme of Action for the LDCs and the Millenniun Development Goals (MDGs). UNCDFs investment capital is flexible, high-risk, and innovative , and its development approach seeks the long-term development of human, instututional and financial capacity in the poorest countries. UNCDF currently invest in 36 of the 50 LDCs, as at 2007 including 16 in Southern and Eastern Africa Region of which 12 are Conflict or post-conflict countries.
UNCDF’s Local Development Programmes (LDPs) support national decentralisation strategies in the LDCs and seek to improve social services, governance and pro-poor economic infrastructure at the local level by providing technical assistance and investment capital directly to local authorities.
UNCDF’s Local Development practice area has gained increasing attention in recent years for a variety of reasons, such as the realisation of the need for building capacity at sub-national government levels for the effecient delivery of social services and local infrastructure. In this area UNCDF offers a unique mix of cutting edge technical expertise and investment capital, while fostering coherence and harmonization through the participation in Sector Wide Approach .
UNCDF and UNDP are currently supporting the Government of Mozambique to implement the National Program for Decentralized Planning and Financing, which was launched in 2010. The results achieved by UNCDF and UNDP within the Decentralization group, having a strategic focus area of Policy and Advocacy, include a deeper understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of food security issues by key stakeholders. Food and nutrition insecurity, particularly among the most vulnerable segment in society, is a primary concern of the Government of Mozambique, and therefore actions to address its causes are outlined in various policy and strategy documents including the Food Security and Nutrition Strategy and the 5-year Government Plan 2010-2014.
Following guidelines from the Government of Mozambique, the Belgian Fund for Food Security commissioned a study to assess the food security situation in seven districts of Manica and Gaza provinces. The study provides a tentative outline for a joint programme, which shall be implemented under the leadership of the Government of Mozambique and with the support of UNCDF, FAO, WFP and BTC. The research outlines a programme with four closely inter-linked components, namely:
  • The improvement of access to and utilisation of food (including water)
  • Support to food production, agricultural innovation and value chains
  • Natural resource management
  • Institutional strengthening
Within this context, UNCDF will hire a consultant who will primarily report to the UNCDF Regional Office in Johannesburg on all technical aspects that are of relevance to UNCDF core areas in Mozambique, as illustrated by the engagement in democratic governance and human rights; livelihoods and natural resource management; empowerment of women and gender equality. The formulation of the proposed joint programme is to be jointly supported by UNCDF, FAO and WFP based on their respective mandates, comparative advantages and country experiences. The consultant shall design the project document in liaison with WFP and FAO technical staff, under close supervision and technical support from UNCDF Regional Advisors.

Duties and Responsibilities

The expected duties and responsibilities from the Consultant are:
  • To provide technical advice in the development of the Project Document in July and August 2011 by UNCDF, WFP and FAO, taking into consideration the forthcoming priority areas for the UN system within the UNDAF 2012-2015 framework. Provision of critical thinking on the Food Security Assessment carried out within the Belgian Fund for Food Security scope in March 2011.
  • To support in the design of the project document in close liaison with the relevant FAO, WFP, BTC, government partners: SETSAN, Ministry of Planning and Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Public Works and Water. The national priorities identified by the Government of Mozambique in the Five Year Government Plan and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper shall be taken into account, and the consultant shall coordinate them with appropriate interventions at the local level to increase government capacities to enhance provincial/local communities resilience to food insecurity.
  • The design of the project document shall be anchored in the overall National Food security Strategy, the Public Sector Reform and the Rural Development strategies, which shall pave the way for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals in Mozambique.
  • To ensure an articulation in the project proposal, where UNCDFs comparative advantage will provide value add to the interventions designed by WFP and FAO. Additionally, the consultant shall provide, in liaison with FAO and WFP technical staff, a comprehensible logical framework to ensure programmatic coordination among the UN agencies, Belgian NGOs, and the Belgian Technical Cooperation.

Proposed Work Process

  • The project formulation is to be done through a participatory process that will ensure consensus and agreement on the specific problems to be addressed and the objectives and strategies for addressing them.
  • Upon commissioning, the mission will be briefed by UNCDF who will also supervise the assignment on a daily basis. The mission team will be expected to study the listed documents.
  • The mission will hold consultations with relevant stakeholders and officials at national and district levels cutting across the four stakeholder groups of public officials, development partners and the private sector and Civil Society.
  • The team will present the draft Project document to an internal UNCDF meeting for quality assurance.
  • A validation meeting will be held with a wider constituency of stakeholders to consider the proposed interventions. Participants will include representative from the central ministries, agencies and Local Government officials, Civil Society, NGOs and the Development Partners.


A technical Project Document based upon the updated Concept Paper containing the list of content indicated below and harmonised with the other UN partners:
A technical Project Document based upon the updated Concept Paper containing the list of content indicated below and harmonised with the other UN partners:
  • Executive Summary – one page
  • Situation analysis – and rationale for the project / logical framework one to two pages
  • Overall Objectives, Strategies, including lessons learnt and the proposed Joint Programme – optional pages
    Geographical Scope and basis- one page
  • Results framework (outcome, output activities, indicators , results), – optional pages
  • Management and coordination arrangements – optional pages
  • Fund management arrangements – optional pages
  • Feasibility, risk management and sustainability of results – one page
  • Strategy for policy/impact replication
  • Accountability, monitoring, evaluation and reporting –optional pages
  • Exit strategy
  • Legal context or basis of relationship – one page
  • With an operational plan and budget
Impact of Results
By identifying appropriate public investment needs to further enhance community resilience to food insecurity in the selected districts, the program will contribute to increase agricultural production and productivity to ensure food security in Mozambique, which is related to the Outcome 1 in the UNDAF 2012-2015. Additionally, the project interventions shall ensure feedback for policy and capacity development to promote local development and decentralization in the country, and thus contributing to the achievement of the designed Outcome 8 in the UNDAF document.
The program shall improve government structures capacities to plan, mobilize resources and implement sustainable local development projects in a more inclusive and participatory approach, and therefore contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Mozambique.



  • Substantive knowledge and understanding of food security, natural resources management, LED, local development and decentralization policies anchored in the overall public sector reform strategy in Mozambique.
  • Substantive knowledge of local government as a functioning development agency
  • Ability to carry out research, to contribute to the formulation of policies, institutional capacity development and guided investment for effective local services delivery

  • Ability to build and lead teams effectively, mentoring team members well, inspiring confidence in others; managing matrices fluidly by encouraging inter-agency collaboration.
  • Build strong relationships with both internal and external actors; - cultivate productive relationships with donors, partners and other important institutions and individuals in the private sector-.
  • Strong English and Portuguese oral and written communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience

  • A minimum of Masters Degree in Development Planning, Economics, Social Science, Public Administration or any subject of relevance.
  • 10 years of proven experience in Research and Consultancy in the areas of Food Security, Development Planning and Implementation, Project Development and Management, Local Economic Development and any other relevant areas
  • Be familiar with the UN system especially in the development of Joint Programmes and Results-Based Management Framework.
  • Be familiar with earlier programmes supported by UNCDF and UNDP in Mozambique.
  • Ability to appreciate and understand the Millennium Development Goals and its application in Mozambique.
  • Be very conversant with the operations of the Provincial and District Assemblies, and the role of the Consultative Councils in Mozambique.
  • Knowledge of the decentralisation process in Mozambique, and familiarity with the National Program for Decentralized Planning and Financing Decentralized in Mozambique would be an asset.
  • Fluent in English and Portuguese (Knowledge of Shangana would be an asset).
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CVs indicating references and requested daily fees (in US$). The application must be received before 15th July 2011.
All further enquiries should be directed to:
Kodjo E. Mensah-Abrampa Ulrik Kristensen
Regional Local development Adviser Regional Portfolio Specialist

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