Corporate Planning Expert

Energy Water and Sanitation Authority - EWSA

Avenue du lac lhema, P.O. Box 537 Kigali, Rwanda.
Tel: + (250) (0)252573666, 
Fax + (250) (0)252573802
N° 11.07.025/2715 /13/DIR-HRU/e.m


The management of EWSA would like to inform the public that it is recruiting an international suitable and qualified expert for the position of Corporate Planning Expert:

Responsibilities and Duties are as follows:
- Ensure that the Strategic Business Plan for the three-year cycle is updated by 30"'June in order to guide the operations and activities of the organization;
- Coordinate the preparation of annual action plans and monitor/evaluate performance against these during the subseqent financial year and recommend the key next steps;
- Participate in the preparation of annual budget and budget reviews, budget execution and monitoring;
- Ensure that the GoR/EWSA Performance Contract is developed in association with the approved Strategic Business Plan and action plans, taking into account the strategic policy direction of EWSA;
- Monitor the implementation of the Strategic Business Plan and the GoR Performance Contract with MININFRA liaising with different departments and units to ensure they are on track;
- Ensure that quarterly, semi-annual and the annual EWSA corporate reports are prepared in time so as to increase awareness, and improve objective management and decision-making, monitoring and strategic guidance to EWSA senior management;
- Ensure that Stakeholder Reports/papers are prepared in time so as to improve effective stakeholder
awareness, participation, strategic policy guidance, and resource planning &resource allocation;
- Ensure that EWSA water and electricity tariffs are reviewed objectively and according to agreed freq-     ncy, for the optimal operation of the Organization;
- Ensure that EWSA as a key stakeholder in the water and energy sectors actively participates in the formulation of Government Policies and sector wide activities in line with the Government planning and budgeting processes;
- Collect data and perform necessary analysis for the formulation of investment and business policies and decisions of EWSA;
- Ensure that the long term financial projections are prepared in order to determine EWSA's capacity to finance investments from internal and external sources;
- Carry out economic and financial appraisal of planned investments on electricity, water supply & sewerage facilities;
- Coordinate and supervise the Corporate Planning Unit staff on a daily basis;
- Ensure the staff capacity building in activity and budget planning, performance management, financial analysis, projects monitoring and evaluation is provided to the Corporate Planning Unit staff and related guidelines are in place;
- Perform any other duties as assigned by his/her Supervisor(s).

Required Qualification and Experience
- Masters'Degree in Economics, Business Administration/Management, Public Administration/ Policy or related field. Post Graduate qualification in strategic/corporate planning with a public sector bias desirable. Relevant experience in a utility or academic study related to the industry shall be a pre-requisite;
- Five (5) years of postgraduate experience in Strategic, Operational and Financial planning in a large Private or Public Sector Agency / Institution. Knowledge of utility operations is an added advantage;
- Should have well-developed communication skills, be self-motivated, have good writing/reporting skills, performance management skills, monitoring and evaluation skills, financial analysis skills and should have good interpersonal relationship;
- Training in Project/Corporate / Business Planning and/or Financial Analysis. Demonstrable experience in project management, analysis & appraisal, and financial analysis of corporate / business performance.

Competitive salary will be negotiated with the successful candidate.

1. An application form downloadable at the Public Service Commission website-
2. A detailed curriculum vitae with names and addresses of three persons for reference
3. Photocopy of degrees or certificates obtained
4. Photocopy of identity card
5. Proofs or certificates of previous employments are required
6. Application letter for employment addressed to the Director General of EWSA

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their application for employment at the Central Secretariat not later than 16/07/2013 at exactly 5:00 P.M.

Ntare Karitanyi
Director General 
Corporate Planning Expert Corporate Planning Expert Reviewed by Unknown on 6:56:00 AM Rating: 5
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