Call for Submissions PASGR External Review

The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) undertakes a variety of activities aimed at strengthening African political and social science research, and the teaching of social science research and public policy in African higher education institutions. Current initiatives include: research projects such as, “Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non-state Social Protection in Africa”, being undertaken by nine research teams in six African countries; a collaboration among African universities in 9 countries to develop and launch a “Master of Research and Public Policy” programme; and, various professional development activities for researchers and university teaching staff, such as PASGR’s “Multi Method Research” and “Orientation to Case Study Teaching” courses.
PASGR’s Board has determined that it should conduct an external review as a key input to its process of setting medium and long-term strategic direction for the organisation.  The review report is expected to inform PASGR’s Board on whether the organisation is on track in effectively delivering on its mandate, and what actions, if any, should be considered that could either reinforce or modify achievement of this mandate.  
PASGR is seeking proposals from individuals, teams or organisations that demonstrate:
·         Familiarity with the African research and higher education communities;
·         Understanding of capacity building, preferably in the context of social science research and/or capacity building targeting individuals and organisations; and,
·         A record of execution of organisational reviews/evaluations.
Submissions must be submitted electronically via email to These must be received by 17:00 PM Thursday August 8, 2013.
A copy of the full “call” can be downloaded  from 
Call for Submissions PASGR External Review Call for Submissions PASGR External Review Reviewed by Unknown on 4:23:00 AM Rating: 5
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