Agricultural Economist/Agricultural Value Chains and Trade Specialist

International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI), a U.S. based international development consulting company established in 1987, has worked in over eighty-five countries and has implemented over one hundred and fifty projects. IBTCI has served governments, private sector companies and several donor agencies in the practice area of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) across many sectors including education, health, economic growth and democracy & governance.
International Business and Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI) is currently seeking an Agricultural Economist/Agricultural Value Chains and Trade Specialist for an end of project evaluation for the Competiveness and Trade Expansion (COMPETE) Trade Hub Project for USAID/East Africa (EA). The purpose of this evaluation is to provide USAID/EA and its partners with an independent assessment of COMPETE project performance and to provide lessons for future regional programming as well as build sustainable capacity for regional and international trade and food security in East Africa.
• Must have a Master’s degree or higher in agricultural economics or other relevant field. • At least 8 years’ experience working with value chain and agribusiness programs in the East Africa Region.
• Demonstrated skills in critical thinking and analysis, as well as, written and verbal communications skills. • Familiarity with CAADP and USAID’s Feed the Future programs. • Must have knowledge of and experience with project design, management & evaluation processes of similar scope and complexity. • He/she should be an African professional conversant with regional trade, transit and agriculture issues in eastern and/or southern Africa. • Must have English fluency.
How to apply:
Please send an updated CV to with the subject line “East Africa COMPETE – Agricultural Economist.” No phone calls please. Only final candidates will be contacted. IBTCI is an equal opportunity employer.
Agricultural Economist/Agricultural Value Chains and Trade Specialist Agricultural Economist/Agricultural Value Chains and Trade Specialist Reviewed by Unknown on 4:34:00 AM Rating: 5
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