Technical Advisory Services to Kitgum & Pader: Uganda

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in 2002 to implement a programme to support in particular the Ministry of Water and Environment in its Reform of the Urban Water and Sanitation Sector (RUWASS). The current phase runs until May 2014.

The RUWASS programme seeks to contribute to an improved and more equitable access to sustainable water supply and sanitation. It aims at improving the policy and institutional framework conditions in the water sector, and addresses particularly urban drinking water supply and basic sanitation issues. RUWASS technical cooperation also concentrates on large and small towns with a regional orientation towards Northern Uganda. To complement national advisory services, GIZ supports selected small towns through locally based long-term technical advisors and tailor- made capacity building packages. The programme currently has long-term advisors supporting 5 small towns in Northern Uganda (Adjumani, Koboko and Yumbe, Nebbi and Paidha) and plans to extend support to other small towns.

Technical Advisory Services to Kitgum & Pader:

In line with its engagement in the urban water sector, the programme will extend support to the two towns Kitgum and Pader. This support is aiming at a comprehensive strengthening of the local capacities on the individual, organisational and institutional level. Technical advisory services to Kitgum and Pader Town shall include:

  • Working with the local water authorities, local Water Supply and Sanitation Boards (WSSB) and Private Water Operators to create an enabling environment and strengthen good governance for service delivery;
  • Promoting sustainable management of the recently rehabilitated piped water infrastructure according to best professional practice based on sound asset management, maintenance and business plans are to be developed;
  • Supporting interventions such as WASH sensitisation campaigns, measures to increase access to safe water in hitherto un-served areas including water quality monitoring.


  • Implementing on the ground the technical advisory services mentioned above
  • Working closely with the local authorities on improving service delivery
  • Strengthening the capacities of the local authorities including Town Council technical personnel, WSSBs, Private Water Operators and other key stakeholders
  • Supporting the Town Councils, GIZ and their partners in carrying out water and sanitation interventions
  • Being the local representative of GIZ
  • Regular communication and reporting to the GIZ programme and other stakeholders

Key Tasks:

  • Advise and work directly with the local authorities
  • Strengthening the capacities of the WSSBs/ TCs to procure and supervise the Private Water Operator and to effectively deliver and manage water supply services
  • Support the development and implementation of crucial plans for a sustainable operation of the piped systems (maintenance plans, asset management plans, business plans, etc.)
  • Support community awareness interventions and measures towards an improved sanitation situation
  • Support the implementation of sector strategies
  • Develop and implement tailor-made capacity development interventions (trainings, etc.) to address critical capacity gaps.

General Duties:

  • Willingness to live and work in Kitgum or Pader Town Council for the duration of the contract and to travel frequently to the other Town Council
  • Willingness to work on eye level with the Local Governments of Kitgum Town Council and Pader Town Council on a daily basis
  • Undertake trainings related to the position and duties. Specific training needs shall be identified and appropriate programmes selected jointly with the GIZ Programme Director


  • University education (Minimum BSc) in technical science/engineering (water/ environment/sanitation) or related field
Professional Experience:
  • Minimum of 5 years of professional working experience in the Ugandan water sector or related field in a similar position
  • Experience in sustainable management and maintenance of piped water systems (preferably in small towns)
  • Familiarity with high professional standards in the sustainable operation of urban water schemes including experience in the regulatory set-up of urban water supply in small towns
  • Experience in working with Local Government and national institutions in this field
  • Experience in combining engineering, management and institutional know-how in the water sector
  • Experience in project management
  • Experience in community sensitisation approaches
Other Qualifications:
  • Excellent reporting skills
  • Good working knowledge of modern telecommunication systems, IT-know-how (MS Office)
  • Ability to effectively transfer skills and knowledge
  • Openness to share information and knowledge ("communicator")
  • Team player in multi-cultural and inter-­disciplinary team
  • Language skills: Fluency in written and oral English; knowledge of Luo (Acholi) being an advantage
  • Driving license and driving experience

How to apply:

All Applications should be submitted to: The GIZ Human Resource Department, 23 Nakasero Road, Kampala. P.O. Box 10346 or to The deadline for submission is Friday, 03 August 2012

Technical Advisory Services to Kitgum & Pader: Uganda Technical Advisory Services to Kitgum & Pader: Uganda Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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