Merlin Kenya End Term Review of Malaria Community Project

Terms of Reference (ToR) for
End Term Review of Malaria Community Project in Nyamira, Kisii Central, Gucha, Kisii South, Gucha South and Borabu Districts of Nyanza Province

Merlin is the only specialist UK agency which responds worldwide with vital health care and medical relief for vulnerable people caught up in natural disasters, conflict, disease threats and health system collapse. Merlin’s vision is a world that provides basic health care to all, responds immediately to save lives in times of crisis, and looks beyond emergencies to safeguard long term health.

Merlin has been working in Kenya since 1999 and is currently operational in two geographic regions: Nyanza and Rift Valley. In Nyanza Province, Merlin is implementing HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria control projects.

As part of the malaria project implementation, Merlin is planning to conduct an end-term review to assess the extent to which the project has achieved its intended purpose in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

The evaluation will aim to review the progress made in implementing the project vis-à-vis the set objectives and strategies, identify the strengths and gaps in the project implementation, and make recommendations for future programming

Background of malaria project
Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Kenya. It accounts for about 30% of all outpatient consultations, 19% of all hospital admissions, and is reported to cause approximately 34,000 deaths annually among children under five years of age.

The total population at risk of malaria is approximately 23 million, or 70% of the population, including an estimated 3,500,000 children under-five and 1,100,000 pregnant women (PMI, Kenya Malaria Operational Plan, FY09)
In October 2009, Merlin was awarded a grant of $1.5 million from the U.S. government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Presiden’t Malaria Initiative (PMI) Malaria Communities Programme (MCP), to combat malaria at the community level over the next 3 years in collaboration with the Kenya NGO’s Alliance Against Malaria (KeNAAM) and the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation.
The project, “Komesha Malaria Communities’ Project” (Komesha is a Swahili name that translates to “STOP”), was designed to deliver malaria prevention services to an estimated 220,000 children under-5 and pregnant women in five highland malaria epidemic prone districts of Nyanza province, namely Nyamira, Kisii Central, Kisii South, Gucha and Gucha South. A sixth district, Borabu, was included as part of the project area in the second year of implementation 2010/2011.

Specifically, this project was to increase community awareness on malaria prevention and control, promote the consistent use of long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLITNs), increase uptake of intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) among pregnant women (Due to change of policy on management of malaria in pregnancy in the highland regions, the project changed the objectives on IPTp and focused on increasing the utilization of ANC services during the third and final year of implementation) and improve malaria diagnostics and treatment through health worker training and mentorship.
The project embraced the Ministry of Health’s Community Strategy that aims to engage communities and households in making decisions and taking actions over their own health needs.

The project also utilized the school health clubs in passing appropriate malaria control messages.
Objectives of the end-term review
The evaluation is envisaged to critically assess the strategies adopted by the project, to assess progress made, and to identify recommendations for future programming

The evaluation shall include, among other things, the following:
  1. To critically review the progress of the project interventions vis a vis the project work plan.
  2. To determine the programs effects by examining changes in the social and behavioral communication outcomes in the 6 districts served by the program – (review vs baseline values)
  3. To assess the level of utilization of ANC services
  4. To review the appropriateness of malaria SBCC activities and strategies.
  5. To critically review the relevance and appropriateness of the project strategies and interventions in addressing the set goal and objectives.
  6. To critically review the degree to which communities and partners were engaged in programme design and implementation particularly the degree to which beneficiaries were able to hold Merlin to account
  7. To review project sustainability measures
  8. To assess and document project best practices and lessons learnt
  9. In light of the evaluation findings, outline recommendations for future programming
Primary users of the evaluation results are expected to be:
  • Merlin Kenya
  • Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation
  • Target communities in supported districts.
Other users:
  • Donors
  • Partners
Responsibilities and lines of communication

Merlin’s Programme Cycle Management defines the members of the organisation and external stakeholders that are Accountable, Responsible, Consulted and Informed at each stage of an evaluation.

The persons named below will ensure that a suitable and quality evaluation is conducted within the parameters of Merlin’s Evaluation Policy

Format for the end term review report:
The final product shall at least consist of the following sections:
  • Executive summary
  • Project description
  • Context of the evaluation
  • Evaluation methodology
  • Findings
  • Lessons learned, best practices, and recommended actions for the review of primary users
  • Annex(es) as necessary.
Plan of work:
In consultation with project staff (Merlin), the consultant shall design the review work plan and develop the evaluation instruments including appropriate questionnaires. The end-term review is expected to take two weeks and additional six paid days have been catered for report writing.

The study is expected to apply participatory approaches along with quantitative and qualitative methodologies. It is expected that the evaluation will begin in mid August 2012 with a final report due no later than 6th September.

Division of Malaria control, MOH staff at the district and location levels, Merlin staff, community health workers who are directly involved in project implementation, school health clubs, and the community members (children, women, and men) will be targeted for obtaining qualitative data for the study.

Quantitative information will be gathered from existing MOH HMIS data. Merlin will facilitate meetings with stakeholders and Merlin staff will support the consultant in conducting interviews and other activities

Expertise required:
A qualified public health consultant is required to conduct the end term review.

The Consultant is expected to meet the following minimum requirements:
  • Experience in evaluating health programs / projects.
  • Familiarity with national health policies and strategies in general and malaria in particular.
  • Demonstrated experience on participatory evaluation methods.
  • Full-time availability for the evaluation period.
The consultant should present to Merlin comprehensive technical and financial proposals, indicating the following:
  • Proposed methodology
  • Detailed work plan for the study
  • Financial proposal
  • Resume and credentials with at least 3 referees.
The final review report shall be submitted to Merlin Kenya and presented to the concerned stakeholders using appropriate media.

The consultant is required to submit the following reports:
  • Draft final report
  • Final report.
General Consideration for the Study:
  • Study language: English
  • Number of final reports: Two hard copies and one electronic copy in English.
Ownership of the deliverables

Merlin shall have full ownership of the report, research, working papers and other results of the Consultant’s work under this assignment.

The Consultant shall not publish nor otherwise use any portion of the report without the written authorization of Merlin. The Consultant shall waive any copyright to the work produced as a result of the contract.

How to Apply
All applications (to include CV and Cover Letter) should be sent to:

HR Department,
Merlin, Nairobi Office,
P.O Box 3350 – 00200,
Nairobi, Kenya
Email to:

Application deadline is 5:00pm on Tuesday, 7th August 2012.

Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Merlin Kenya End Term Review of Malaria Community Project Merlin Kenya End Term Review of Malaria Community Project Reviewed by Unknown on 4:18:00 AM Rating: 5

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