Deputy Secretary – Advocacy and Communications

The Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of The Ombudsman) is an Independent Constitutional Commission established under section 59 of the Constitution of Kenya.

Its core mandate is to investigate any conduct in state affairs, maladministration, complaints of abuse of power, unfair treatment, manifest injustice or unlawful, oppressive, unfair or unresponsive official conduct within the Public Sector.

The Commission is looking for suitably qualified Kenyans to fill in the following 2 (two) positions.

1. Position: Deputy Secretary – Advocacy and Communications
This position is answerable to the Commission Secretary for all advocacy and communication matters.

It falls in Job Grade 3.
Its key duties and responsibilities will entail:‐
  • Overseeing general protocol at the Commission;
  • Coordinating the organization of public events;
  • Carrying out civic education on the commission’s mandate and functions;
  • Coordinating management of the Resource Centres and disseminating information to the public;
  • Advising on media issues and acting as a link between the media and the Commission;
  • Media monitoring;
  • Ensuring appropriate branding and visibility within and without the Commission;
  • Arranging for media coverage of all Commission events;
  • Sourcing for appropriate television and radio programs to disseminate information on activities of the Commission;
  • Documenting the Commission events through video, photography and press cuttings;
  • Preparing and placement of radio and TV informercials;
  • Coordinating the preparation of official speeches;
  • Coordinating the preparation of the Commission newsletter and materials;
  • Overseeing the preparation of exhibitions and trade fairs; and
  • Ensuring that appropriate feedback mechanisms are in place in the Commission.
The candidate for this position should have the following:‐
  • At least 8 years progressive senior management experience in Advocacy or Communication;
  • A Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines:‐ Communications, Public Relations or Journalism from a recognized institution;
  • A Masters Degree in any of the following disciplines:‐ Communications, Public Relations or Journalism from a recognized institution;
  • A certificate in computer applications;
  • Have proven staff supervisory experience;
  • Have wide experience in event planning and management and which should include protocol, preparing press kits, press briefing and media coverage.
  • Proven experience in public relations.
  • Have strong ability to write, edit and undertake research to inform media releases.
  • Be fluent in English and Kiswahili.
  • Must meet the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Kenyan constitution;
  • Must be a citizen of Kenya.
Please note that these are re‐advertisements so if you had applied earlier for these positions, you are not required to re‐apply.
If you feel that you are suitable for any of these positions, please send your application together with a current detailed curriculum vitae providing details on why you feel you are the most suitable candidate to:‐
The Commission Secretary
The Commission on Administrative Justice
(Office of the Ombudsman)
Prime Minister’s Building
Harambee Avenue
6th Floor
P O Box 20414 00200

The deadline for the applications is 6th August 2012.
Deputy Secretary – Advocacy and Communications Deputy Secretary – Advocacy and Communications Reviewed by Unknown on 4:19:00 AM Rating: 5

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