Fisheries Expert

Reference: G/CWG/0433
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 1 Year
Closing Date: 8 Jul 2011


Following the establishment of the Fisheries Mechanism in 2009, the ACP Secretariat has been unable to dedicate the necessary resources to effectively support the implementation of the mandate provided by the Council of Ministers. Responsibilities for implementation have, thus far, fallen to ACP Secretariat experts in related areas (such as agriculture) to contribute when possible. However, it has been recognised that in order for the mechanism to be fully effective it is necessary to engage a full time fisheries expert to drive implementation.

The role of the fisheries mechanism, as approved by the ACP Council of Ministers is as follows:

  • Monitor and evaluate major fisheries development, trade and cooperation activities with ACP partners and where necessary and appropriate, formulate recommendations for change;
  • Ensure recommendations of the Fisheries Mechanism are duly taken into account, inter alia, when major ACP-EU programmes, projects and/or texts are being reviewed;
  • Promote the gathering and sharing of summarised strategic information between ACP countries at the highest political level;
  • Directly promote commonly shared objectives and aspirations of ACP States within fisheries with external players and partners - allowing the ACP to assume a pro-active stand in all relevant fora;
  • Provide, where needed and appropriate, strategic advice to member States in their negotiations on fisheries issues; and
  • Propose programmes and projects that take care of the interests, needs and aspirations of member States.

Purpose of the Project

Improved understanding among ACP member states of fisheries and aquaculture trade policy and legislative environment in the European Union.

Scope of Work

The project will provide an expert to the ACP Fisheries Mechanism based at the ACP Secretariat in Brussels for a period of one year, with an option of a second year if necessary and subject to satisfactory performance. The expert will work closely with the members of the Fisheries Working Group, and will report to the Chairman.

During the implementation period it is expected that the appointee will undertake the following activities, inter alia

  • Assist the ACP Secretariat to effectively communicate the work of the Fisheries Mechanism. This should include the contribution of relevant material for dissemination through the ACP website and other relevant media as well as participation in meetings with relevant stakeholders.
  • Oversee the production of a regular newsletter.
  • Assist the Working Group on Fisheries in developing and implementing a plan (incorporating relevant indicators and milestones) for the Fisheries Mechanism that incorporates resolutions emerging from the Ordinary Ministerial Meeting.
  • Keep abreast of changes in EU fisheries-related policies, regulations and other interventions which are likely to have a significant development impact for ACP states and advise the Fisheries Mechanism accordingly.
  • Provide the Working Group with oral and written briefings on a monthly basis including advice on emerging fisheries- related issues and developments of relevance to all ACP members.
  • Identify specific fisheries-related negotiations taking place at global (i.e. World Trade Organization), regional or bilateral level and advise the Working Group on Fisheries on the likely implications of particular outcomes for the ACP.
  • Assist the ACP Secretariat and Working Group on Fisheries in preparing and developing progress reports and other briefings for the Ordinary Ministerial meetings and serve as a technical and advisory resource to the Ordinary Ministerial meeting when called upon to do so.
  • Provide comment and feedback on proposals for project and programmes in the fisheries sector to be implemented in ACP as presented to Fisheries Mechanism by major donors or individual ACP members.
  • Develop and maintain a strong network of contacts within donor agencies and relevant institutions (international, regional and national) with a view to keeping abreast of major project and other types of interventions taking place in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in ACP.
  • Assist in the recruitment of a permanent fisheries expert to take over from the Commonwealth expert upon completion of contract. It is expected that there will be a transition period where responsibilities will be handed over and the new expert mentored, trained and advised as necessary.

Project Phase Outputs (Deliverables)

It is expected that these activities will result in the following outputs:

  • Effective fisheries mechanism communication strategy developed and implemented
  • Effective implementation of resolutions of ACP Fisheries Ministers
  • Detailed study of the impact of EU policies, regulation and other EU fisheries interventions on ACP member states
  • Working Group is effectively briefed regarding global issues and developments with regard to fisheries and their implication for ACP members
  • Fisheries mechanism project proposal review process agreed and operational
  • Permanent Fisheries expert recruited and briefed

Implementation Arrangements

The project will provide an expert to the ACP Fisheries Mechanism based at the ACP Secretariat in Brussels for a period of one year, with an option of a second year if necessary.

Day to day management will be provided by the Chairman of the Fisheries Working Group with reports also provided to the ACP Secretary General as required.

The project will be managed by the Technical Cooperation Section in the Governance Division (GIDD) of the Commonwealth Secretariat in London with technical support provided by colleagues in both Special Advisory Services Division (SASD) and Economic Affairs Division (EAD) as necessary.

Person Specification

  • Advanced University Degree (minimum of masters or equivalent) in Fisheries Economics, Fisheries Management, Fisheries Science or other relevant discipline.
  • Solid knowledge of the practical challenges and opportunities that characterise the fisheries sector (both capture fisheries and aquaculture) in a number of ACP countries, including a demonstrated commitment to the participation of a range of stakeholders in relevant decision-making processes.
  • Familiarity with relevant EU fisheries and trade-related policies and agreements, including bilateral fisheries access arrangements with ACP countries and an understanding of how these might impact not only from the perspective of the government but also the livelihoods of those dependent on fisheries resources at different levels.
  • At least 5 to 10 years experience in advising governments on the development of fisheries policies, fisheries management plans and other key interventions with a view to promoting the sustainable development of the fisheries sector.
  • Excellent analytical skills and willingness to keep abreast of fisheries-related developments across a number of geographical regions.
  • Ability to initiate ideas and actions and to operate independently where necessary.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and communications skills, including the ability to draft papers and briefs to a very high standard.
  • Fluency in English, both written and spoken. Knowledge of French an advantage.

Submission of Application

Applicants who are nationals of Commonwealth member countries and who meet the post criteria are invited to apply with a detailed CV including names and contact details of three referees and the Personal History Form* to:

Mrs Puja D Sharma
HR (CFTC), Commonwealth Secretariat
Pall Mall, London UK
Phone: + 44 207 747 6531
Fax: + 44 20 7747 6520

*The Personal History Form (PHF) may be downloaded from the Secretariat Website on the Employment / Vacancies / Long term Assignment (Overseas) page, along with the Skill Codes booklet required to complete the PHF. The form is only available in PDF format.

The application should be forwarded to the contact officer as an attachment to an email / by post / fax.

Download the Job Description

Fisheries Expert Fisheries Expert Reviewed by Unknown on 11:59:00 PM Rating: 5

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