

Tanzania Financial Services for Underserved Settlements (TAFSUS) is a non-profit company registered under the Company Act and set up in Tanzania to provide support to underserved settlements in Tanzania.  TAFSUS has been set up to provide an invaluable service of free consultation and management advice to communities living in slums and other underserved settlements to enable them to upgrade their settlements.   TAFSUS is supported by the Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) of the UN-Habitat.

TAFSUS aims to uplift the living standards of slum dwellers through the development of bankable projects that promote affordable housing in a sustainable environment for low-income households.  This includes identifying probable projects, evaluating the necessary preliminary legal documents and tenure rights, implementing community based projects assisting the provisions of urban infrastructure in settlements and providing direct technical assistance where necessary. The initiative brings together multiple stakeholders from Government, private sector, civil society and the commercial banking sector in order to ensure that a full range of resources can be mobilized for this purpose in the short term. The SUF credit enhancement plays an important role in catalyzing developments.

The main objectives of TAFSUS are therefore to:
a)          Provide full partial or other forms of guarantees to banks or funding sources to secure lending to low-income earners or housing societies formed by such groups for the purpose of housing finance.
b)         Provide full partial or other forms of guarantees to banks or other funding sources to secure lending to micro institutions, community based organizations or such other similar institutions for the purpose of housing finance for low-income groups.
c)          Facilitate low income groups to access housing finance directly from banking sources in order to improve their settlements.
d)         Facilitate intermediaries such as micro finance institutions, community based organizations or similar entities to access funding for housing finance from banking or market based sources.
e)          Facilitate the exchange and sharing of information and experience in financing slum upgrading and settlement development in co-operation with a wider advisory network of practitioners and policy makers.

TAFSUS is governed by an independent Board of Directors which is responsible for overall governance, policy direction and oversight of the operations of the company.  As part of pushing forward the operations of the company, the Board of Directors intends to recruit the Manager of the Company, which is in operation but needs somebody dynamic and energetic to turn it around.

Under the supervision of the TAFSUS Board Chairman and guidance of the SUF Coordinator of UN-Habitat, the Manager will be responsible for the following tasks:

Managing TAFSUS
  • Establish and/or oprationalise controls and oversight systems of the institution, ensure sound practices based on the TAFSUS Operations Manual, rules, regulations and directions of the UN-Habitat and other related laws of the nation.
  • Review the institution’s financial and operational conditions, maintain continuous operations and recommend viable alternatives for cost effective operation.
  • Prepare and operationalise a Management/Business Plan that establishes goals and objectives for the management of the institution and oversee its implementation.
  • Ensure that the institution is operated in a safe and sound manner as guided by the necessary laws and regulations and eliminates fraudulent activities and avoids influence.
  • Develop a model that will ensure the financial viability of TAFSUS
  • Oversee and supervise officers below him.

Project and Programme Identification & Implementation
  • Identify, assist and work with communities in underserved settlements so that they can enhance their creditworthiness and therefore utilize credit to improve their settlements.
  • Identify viable projects/programmes, prepare briefing notes, draft TORs for project design
  • Recommend to the Board, projects for approval, and oversee project implentation
  • Monitor the progress of projects
  • Identify capacity building requirements of project partners including communities
  • Direct the TAFSUS team in provision of capacity building services to project partners through sourcing on local available information.
  • Assist in drafting Annual Implementation Plan, progress reports and other documents and reports as may be required by the Board.
  • Assist in drafting of Reference for consultants and other technical assistance providers
  • Ensure smooth exchange of inputs and information between SUF PMU Team, HPM Office and their consultants and project partners.
  • Strengthen communication among relevant stakeholders
  • Assist in coordinating agenda and support TAFSUS objectives

Liaison with Partners
  • Strengthen links, partnerships and communications with SUF/TAFSUS local partners
  • Promote and maintain partnerships with national institutions related to underserved settlements including the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Local Government Authorities, the Prime Minister’s Office, Academic and Research institutions,  and local financial institutions
  • Enhance links and seek participation in settlement upgrading by development partners, such as Cities Alliance, Slum Dwellers International, Plan International. Action Aid, Concern, Care International, Water Aid and others

Knowledge Management and Information Dissemination
  • Ensure co-ordination with local urban sector activities, by liaising with governments, donors and programmes to have in place knowledge and information related to underserved settlements.
  • Disseminate information such as campaign materials, Habitat publications and policies relevant to the SUF program.

Administration and Reporting
  • Maintain records of all revenue and expenditure and arrange for suitable accounting as requirement for SUF PMU and TAFSUS.
  • Organize and facilitate TAFSUS Board Meetings.
  • Publish material to promote TAFSUS in Tanzania
  • Assist in Providing monthly /quarterly reports to the SUF PMU, UN-Habitat
  • Make arrangements for visits by the SUF PMU and UN-Habitat officials.

  • A Degree in Business Management / Human Resources Management / Development Studies, Civil Engineering, Housing, Real Estate studies, or a similar Professional Qualifications. Knowledge of accounts and financial management will be an added advantage
  • 5 years of experience in a strategic management role, preferably in similar role with a proven track record. 
  • Overseas work exposure or prior experience in the development field is added advantage.
  • High degree of responsibility and ability to work independently in order to meet strict deadlines
  • Capacity to manage a company and advise the Board of Directors
  • Ability to communicate and interact with staff at all levels of the organization and to work effectively with a wide range of groups in a diverse community to motivate teams and simultaneously arrange several projects.
  • A dynamic, passionate personality,  with very high level of integrity and networking
  • A very clear understanding of the housing and settlement sector in Tanzania and elsewhere

The contract of employment will be for a period of two years renewable depending on the attainment of TAFSUS goals.

The successful candidate will be provided with attractive remuneration that is commensurate with his/her qualifications and experience.

Interested applicants should forward their applications comprising of typed application letters, CVs and copies of certificates.  The application should also be accompanied with a one page statement describing the applicant’s understanding of the issues facing the underserved settlements in Tanzania and how she/he plans to address the issues given the objectives of TAFSUS if he/she becomes the Manager of TAFSUS.   Shortlisted Candidates will be invited for an interview within a short notice. Applications should be sent to following address by 18th July 2013:

The Board Chairperson,
Tanzania Financial Services for the Underserved Settlements (TAFSUS)
P. O. Box 79603, Dar es Salaam

Email: info@tafsus.co.tz
TAFSUS MANAGER JOB TAFSUS MANAGER JOB Reviewed by Unknown on 5:11:00 AM Rating: 5
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