Market and Operational Risk Specialist , EAST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK

Market and Operational Risk Specialist
Job details
Reference number: EADB/MORS/2013
Job Title:  Market and Operational Risk SpecialistSupervisor: Manager Risk and Compliance
Location: Uganda – tenure up to three (3) years
Job summary
The Market and Operational Risk Specialist is responsible for improving market risk identification, measurement, monitoring and control through setting appropriate Market Risk policies and procedures, development of adequate Market Risk measurement models and provision of Market Risk advice to management on new activities and projects.  The role holder is also responsible for monitoring Operational Risk arising out of handling market risks and financial Ratios.
Key responsibilities
Market Risk Related
  • Review and formulate risk management policies and ensure that appropriate systems, procedures, limits and guidelines are in place to implement those policies so as to pre-empt and avert financial stresses and crises.
  • Establish a comprehensive market risk framework, including market risk methodology.
  • Interpret market risk policies and ensure correct application.
  • Develop and apply market risk assessment systems as they apply to DFIs.
  • Identify, monitor and report market and counterparty risk exposures arising from treasury investment and funding operations.
  • Provide clear briefings of current events and issues to management.  Perform ad-hoc analyses around the business (including notable new transactions) in order to assist management decision making
  • Regularly engage in dialogue with unit heads around market risk appetite, risk limits and individual large and complex transactions
  • Quantitatively evaluate treasury risk positions (mark-to-market or mark-to-model) including internally and externally managed investment portfolios, derivative portfolios, structured bond issuance and related swap transactions.
  • Promote the application of advanced risk analytics to measure and monitor risk exposures and enhance the methodology and process to reflect new market development, risk policies, and technologies.
  • Monitor changes of counterparties’ credit ratings, undertaking credit researches and analyses and evaluating the valuation methodologies for credit risk.
  • Prepare regular management reports on the performance of investment operations and related attribution analysis and contribute to the formulation of investment policy.
    Assist in the maintenance and implementation of analytical systems and reporting requirements of market and treasury risk to enhance the timeliness and accuracy of information to end-users.
  • Initiate progress opportunities for process improvements; enhance accuracy and completeness of market risk metrics, and advance cross-regional and product analysis.
  • Produce and report risk metrics (including Stress Testing, Historical Simulation, VaR Analysis)
  • Work on regulatory driven market risk exercises
Operational Risk Related
  • Assist in supervising the Back Office functions related to investment and funding activities by ensuring a timely and accurate confirmation of Deposits and swap transactions and a correct capturing of the trade terms and conditions.
  • Monitor prompt settlement of deals by Back Office with regard to receipt and payment of funds contracted.
  • Follow up on regular reconciliation of bank accounts to ensure no unauthorised transaction has occurred.
Financial Aspects
  • Undertake regular checks and confirm to the management the correctness of application of rules and ratios arrived in respect of the following:
a. Liquidity Ratio
b. Capital Adequacy
c. Debt/Equity Ratio
d. Translation Risk Revaluation
e) Other Financial Ratios
  • Carry out any other duties as assigned by Management.
If your career aspirations match these challenging and exciting roles, please write in confidence quoting the position title on the subject of the email or cover letter on or before Monday 22nd July 2013. Applications, including your curriculum vitae, a working e-mail address, daytime telephone contacts, qualifications, experience, present position, current remuneration, names and addresses of three referees should be sent to All applications should be sent online by email. Applicants for all positions must be nationals of the EADB Member States except where expressly indicated. Applicants who had earlier applied for re-advertised positions should not apply for the same positions.
Applicants will be required to address the following information directly to KPMG:
1) A reference letter from their immediate past employer.
2) A character reference from an individual who has known the applicant for at least 3 years.
The EADB reserves the right not to offer or make any appointments, and to offer and make appointments on other terms and conditions. Successful candidates should be ready to assume duty before 1 October 2013.
EADB will only contact applicants being considered for an interview.
Market and Operational Risk Specialist , EAST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK  Market and Operational Risk Specialist , EAST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Reviewed by Unknown on 8:56:00 AM Rating: 5
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