Accountant II , Town Planners Registration Board (TPRB)

Position Description:
Required Qualifications:       
Holder of ADA/B.Com/ Professional Level II or its equivalent. Should be a computer literate.
Duties and responsibilities:
Receives and keeps in proper custody all incoming bills and claims;
Maintains primary books of accounts;
Prepares payment requisitions;
Preparing various payment reports, schedules and lists of various expenditures;
Maintaining vote book and various registers (e.g. debtors, imprest creditors), and
Performs any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Salary Scale: TPRBGSS 3

Application Instructions:
All applications, with detailed Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of academic and professional qualifications with complete contact details, should be addressed to the undersigned, so as to reach not later than 25th .July, 2013 at 15.30 hours .
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Town Planners Registration Board,
2nd Floor,
Matasalamat Building,
Samora Avenue.
P.O. Box 77496,
Dar Es Salaam.
Accountant II , Town Planners Registration Board (TPRB) Accountant II , Town Planners Registration Board (TPRB) Reviewed by Unknown on 5:09:00 AM Rating: 5
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