The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is an intergovernmental regional cooperation organization comprising 4 ACP States (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles) and an European Union outermost region, La Réunion (French overseas department). Due to their geography, history and culture, the 5 islands share common values and interests, in a global changing environment.
The IOC's mission is to strengthen the bonds of friendship and solidarity among peoples and to contribute through regional cooperation to the sustainable development of its member states. Multiple reflections have clarified the different fields of its intervention.
Since 2005 the 4 strategic axes are:
- political and diplomatic cooperation,
- economic and trade cooperation,
- sustainable development in a context of globalization,
- strengthening regional cultural identity
The IOC is currently managing a portfolio of about ten projects totaling approximately € 100 million. The IOC General Secretariat establishes partnerships with donors, regional and international cooperation agencies and organizations, businesses and NGOs.
The IOC is working closely with regional organizations in Eastern and Southern Africa in the implementation of some projects that go beyond the geographical scope of the organization.
This is the case of the European Union-funded Maritime Security Promotion Programme (MASE), for which the IOC implements two components under the overall coordination of the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD).
Context of the MASE project
The MASE programme is a response to the regional strategy and action plan against piracy and maritime safety. The programme, financed by the 10th EDF to the tune of € 37.5 million, is implemented by IGAD, COMESA, EAC and IOC. It is a five-year programme extended to 2019-2020 which is implemented in the ESA-IO region.
The overall objective of the programme is to improve maritime safety in the ESA-IO region and thus contribute to global security and to create an environment conducive to the economic development of the region and beyond.
The specific objective of the programme is to strengthen the capacity of the ESA-IO region in the implementation of its regional strategy and action plan.
The MASE Programme Financing Agreement entered into force after the final signature on 12 June 2013 by the Secretary-General of the Inter-Governmental Development Agency (IGAD), who is the regional authorizing officer for the programme, under the auspices of the Inter-regional Coordination Committee (IRCC).
The financing agreement provides for a sub-regional delegation of IGAD's powers to other regional organizations (ROs), COMESA, EAC and IOC, for the implementation of the 5 results of the programme.
Following Programme 1, the IOC has been assigned the responsibility to implement the overall communication and visibility strategy.
The MASE funding agreement aims to achieve five results in line with the regional strategy and plan of action against piracy and the promotion of maritime security:
- Result 1: Alternative livelihoods through vocational development initiatives and advocacy against piracy are supported; Maritime coordination mechanisms are reinforced in Somalia
- Result 2: National and regional legal, legislative and infrastructural capacities for the arrest, transfer, detention and prosecution of pirates are developed and strengthened;
- Result 3: Strengthening regional capacity to disrupt the financial networks of pirate leaders and their financiers while addressing structural vulnerability factors and minimizing the economic impact of piracy;
- Result 4: Strengthening of national and regional capacities for maritime tasks and support functions;
- Result 5: Regional coordination and information exchange
Each of the four regional organizations in the ESA-IO region is responsible for the specific component for which it has been assigned to lead.
The relevant regional organization and the relevant EU delegation are responsible for validating the reports as follows:
- For Result 1, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the EU Delegation in Djibouti in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Somalia;
- For Result 2: East African Community (EAC) and the EU Delegation in Tanzania;
- For Result 3: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the EU Delegation in Zambia;
- For Results 4 and 5: IOC and the EU Delegation in Mauritius
Organ / Institution: Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
Duty Station: Ebene, Mauritius
Job Grade: Equivalent to Professional Position
Job reports to: MASE Project Coordinator
Job Purpose:
Increase the visibility of the programme to ensure full engagement of stakeholders and ensure long- term political commitment to maritime safety and security.
The selected candidate will serve as Programme Communication Officer. He / she will be responsible for implementing the communication and visibility strategy adopted by the 3rd Steering Committee. He / she will be responsible for the implementation of the communication and visibility activities related to the five results.
The communication officer will liaise with the Officer in charge of the MASE programme in each regional organization and will work closely with the programme coordinator and with the communication officers of the Regional Organizations. It will also work closely with the EU delegations and their communication officers.
The activities to be implemented will be presented in an action plan on communication and visibility based on the strategy. This action plan shall be submitted to the responsible for programme coordination and to the communication officer of the European Union delegation responsible for updating, review and follow-up.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Develop a communication and visibility action plan based on the strategy adopted by the 3rd Steering Committee of MASE;
- Coordinate and implement communication and visibility activities in the areas of all results in close collaboration with Officers in charge, communication officers and delegations of the European Union; • organize large-scale events;
- Ensure the visibility of the MASE programme and the regional partnership with EU support for maritime safety and security;
- Contribute to the awareness of decision makers on maritime safety and security issues;
- Enhance the public image of the Programme, and in particular regional action on maritime safety at national, regional and international level and among identified audiences;
- Ensure effective advocacy with key stakeholders;
- Improve internal communication among stakeholders and develop appropriate communication tools;
- Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation process by providing appropriate tools;
- Support and promote the effectiveness of activities, where appropriate
Qualifications and Experience:
The candidate for the position must:
- Hold a communication and / or journalism bachelor degree or in a related field and have 3 years of relevant work experience;
- Provide experience in conducting analysis of communication needs and development of action plans;
- Masters professional communication and media skills;
- Have a profile in international relations and cooperation;
- Have good experience in the processing of publications;
- Excellent drafting skills in English and French;
- Demonstrate knowledge of development and security issues in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean
Candidates must be nationals of one of the Member States of IOC, IGAD, COMESA or EAC.
How to Apply:
Deadline for applications
24.04.2017 at 16.00 (Mauritius time)
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Submission of applications
Applications may be sent by e-mail, by post or by hand to the following address:
Human Resources Department
General Secretariat of the IOC
Blue Tower, 3rd floor,
Rue de l'Institut,
Ebène, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 402 6100,
Fax: (230) 465 6798
General Secretariat of the IOC
Blue Tower, 3rd floor,
Rue de l'Institut,
Ebène, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 402 6100,
Fax: (230) 465 6798
For applications to be submitted by mail or by hand, the following information must appear on the outer envelope: - the aforementioned address to which applications must be submitted;
- the reference of the call for candidates procedure to which the candidate responds (in this case
COI / AC / 2017/004);
For applications to be sent by e-mail, it is recommended to put the application file in a single PDF file which will be transmitted as a file attached to the candidate's message.
Application Deadline:
Monday, 24 April 2017 - 4:00pm
Communication Officer Wanted at Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
Reviewed by Unknown
7:50:00 AM