Adeso Country Director, Kenya

Country Director, Kenya – Nairobi
Adeso is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Country Director for Kenya in Nairobi, Kenya. The incumbent will lead action planning and implementation of the Kenya country program, ensure implementation of rigorous and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation, oversee timely and accurate monthly reporting and effective financial management for all Kenya projects, prepare annual country budgets and develop current and future growth plans for Adeso’s programs in Kenya. The incumbent will also mentor and assist Project Managers and Chiefs of Party with the planning, execution and delivery of projects, develop and maintain close working relationships with all key stakeholders and recruit, manage and motivate a skilled, efficient team with support from Head of Programs and the Human Resources team.
Closing date 2 April 2013
Adeso Country Director, Kenya Adeso Country Director, Kenya Reviewed by Unknown on 7:58:00 AM Rating: 5
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