Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Vacancies

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) is a research body established within the provision of Science and Technology Act (1979) Cap 250 charged with the responsibility to undertake research in Marine and freshwater fisheries, aquaculture, environmental and ecological studies and marine research including chemical and physical oceanography, in order to provide scientific data and information for sustainable exploitation, management and conservation of Kenya’s fisheries resources and aquatic environment and contribute to National strategies towards food security, poverty alleviation, and creation of employment.

With its Headquarters ¡n Mombasa, the Institute also has research centres and Stations located at, Kisumu, Nairobi, Baringo, Turkana, Kegati, Naivasha, Sangoro and Sagana.

KMFRI being an equal opportunity employer wishes to advertise the following vacant positions.

1. Corporate Affairs Manager
Job Group RI.15
(1 Post)

This is a senior position in KMFRI which require a self motivated, result oriented person who can work with minimum supervision.

Responsible to the Director.

Key duties and responsibilities are:
  • Develop marketing policies for the Institute with a view to ensuring that KMFRI has an impact to the local communities as well as being a reputable institution both locally and abroad.
  • Plan and coordinate marketing and market research activities
  • Liaise with other corporate/ professional bodies that share interests with KMFRI, both locally and internationally with a view to establishing profitable collaborations.
  • Advice the Institute on potential business opportunities and developments related to its mandates both in local and overseas markets.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Minimum Requirement for Appointment
  • BA Degree in Economics; or B. Commerce (Marketing option) plus CPS (K);
  • A minimum of 10 years experience in a research or related environment.
  • Demonstrated communication and Information Technology skills.
  • Knowledge in Public Relations will be an added advantage.
Remuneration:- Basic salary - KShs.(100,620 - 127,980) p.m. plus a monthly house allowance of KShs.56,000 and other attractive fringe benefits.

2. Chief Accountant
Job Group RI.12
(1 Post)

Reporting to Deputy Director (Finance and Administration).

Key responsibilities for this position are:
  • In-Charge of Accounts Department;
  • Collation of financial estimates;
  • Determination of aggregate expenditure;
  • Preparation of final accounts and statements
  • Supervision of staff including their training and general development;
  • Interpret all regulations of the Institute pertaining to financial control and management;
  • Review accounting procedures and practices to ensure proper accounting systems are in place
  • Generation of financial returns and reports; and
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Minimum Requirement for Appointment
  • B. Commerce Degree (Accounting Option), from a recognized University;
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (K) or its equivalents; and
  • Satisfactorily served at the grade of Principal Accountant for at least three years ¡n a Public Institution.
  • Must be computer literate.
Remuneration:- Basic salary - KShs.(63,782 - 81,404) p.m. plus a monthly house allowance of
KShs.20,000 and other attractive fringe benefits.

3. Assistant Research Officer
Job Group RI.9
(10 Posts)

Reporting to the Programme/ Project Co-ordinator.

Successful applicant will be regarded as an officer on training for higher responsibilities. He/she will be inducted to research philosophy and methodology under the guidance of a senior officer who will assign him/her duties, related to ongoing research activities.

He/ She will be required to participate in seminars and short courses ¡n research practice and assume more responsibilities.

He/ She will be required to undergo formal post-graduate training while in this grade.

Minimum Requirement for Appointment
  • B. Sc. Degree upper second class honours in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Statistics and Mathematics or any of the Aquatic Sciences from a recognized university.
  • MSc training is an added advantage.
Remuneration:- Basic salary - KShs.(30,472 - 35,275) p.m. plus a monthly house allowance of KShs.15,000 other attractive fringe benefits.

4. Supplies Chain Management Officer I
Job Group RI.9
(1 Post).

Reporting to Senior Supplies Chain Management Officer.

Key responsibilities for this position are:
  • Running the day-to-day supplies services;
  • Disposal of stores and equipment;
  • Market surveys and research;
  • Inventory and stock control.
Requirement for Appointment
  • Must have a Bachelors Degree in any of the following:- Commerce, business administration, economics, procurement and supplies management, marketing or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution; plus
  • Diploma in procurement/ supplies management from a recognized institution and
  • Must have served in the grade of Supplies Chain Management Officer Il for a minimum period of three (3) years in a Public Institution.
  • Member of a professional body such as the CIPS, KISM, etc.
  • Must be computer literate.
Remuneration:- Basic salary - KShs.(30,472 - 35,275) p.m. plus monthly house allowance of
KShs.15,000 and other attractive fringe benefits.

5. Supplies Chain Management Officer II
Job Group RI.8
(1 Post).

Reporting to Supplies Chain Management Officer I.

Key responsibilities for this position are:
  • Overseeing the Supply Chain Management function in a Centre;
  • Processing of agenda for the tender committees and assisting ¡n implementation of decisions thereof; and
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Requirement for Appointment
  • Must have a Bachelors Degree in any of the following:- Commerce, business administration, economics, procurement and supplies management, marketing or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution; plus
  • Diploma in procurement / supplies management from a recognized institution and
  • Must have served in the grade of Supplies Chain Management Officer II for a minimum period of three (3) years in a Public Institution.
  • Member of a professional body such as the CIPS, KISM, etc.
  • Must be computer literate.

Basic salary - KShs.(26,323 - 31,996) p.m. plus monthly house allowance of KShs.8,000 and other attractive fringe benefits.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications with a detailed resume and copies of certificates and testimonials to the address shown below not later than Wednesday 25th May 2011

The Director,
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute,
P.O. Box 81651 - 80100,
Phone: 020-8021560, 020-8021561


Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Vacancies Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Vacancies Reviewed by Unknown on 7:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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