Trees for the Future (TREES) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 in the United States of America (USA) with the aim of improving livelihoods of impoverished farmers by revitalizing degraded land by increasing production through good agricultural practices. The organization works with subsistence farmers groups in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). In Tanzania, the organization opened the office in Moshi in 2007 where it serves regions of Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Kagara regions. Since then Trees For The Future has been sharing the transformative power of trees with farmers and communities in Tanzania and other developing countries around the globe. In 2016, the organization is shifting its activities to arid land of Singida hence is seeking an interested and qualified Tanzanian to work with farmers in Singida region.

Jon Title: Lead Technician (1)
Location: Singida 
Reports to: Country Coordinator  

Lead Technician (LT) is responsible for the successful management and implementation of a Forest Garden Project. The Lead Technician will work closely with Farmer Groups and individual project farmers, spread out among numerous villages surrounding the project base. S/he is responsible for: coordinating and managing all project activities and the Assistant Technician(s); liaising with Lead Farmers of each Farmer Group to schedule and facilitate implementation of project activities; organizing and conducting all training activities; creating project budgets and timelines and visiting farmers’ Forest Garden sites regularly to provide technical support and to conduct data collection and evaluation.
Core duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Identifies and mobilizes Farmer Groups and Lead Farmers for participation in the Project;
Hires, supervises, and diseminsates all necessary information in a timely manner to the  Assistant Technician(s) where needed;
Collaborates with the Country Coordinator to develop and execute Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs);
Develops project plans for all participating Farmer Groups that account for all Project activities, training events, monitoring & evaluation, reporting and effectively manages all activities in accordance with the schedule and Project budget;
Organizes and executes training events pursuant to TREES training program design;
Communicates with Lead and participating farmers regularly to organize trainings and extension activities, provide technical support including organic field recipies for all plant and animal management, and collect M&E data;
Ensures timely data collection and report submission to Country Coordinator on all program activities, per TREES reporting requirements and deadlines;
Helps to develop and manage the Project budget and expenditures;
Maintains financial documentation and submits financial reports per TREES reporting requirements and deadlines to Country Coordinator;
Helps to develop all Project goals per the project scope, timeline, and budget and conduct activities accordingly;
Assists with the development and/or translation of locally appropriate training materials;
Provides information and accomplishes additional tasks in a timely manner as requested by Country Coordinator, Program Directors, and HQ.
The applicant must meet the following minimum professional qualifications to be considered for the position:
University degree in field of agroforestry, forestry, agriculture, OR a minimum of five years of demonstrated degree of achievement in agriculture, preferably in agroforestry and sustainable agriculture through demonstrated success and innovation in gardening, forestry, or agroforestry.
Three years’ experience with field project management and supervision
Demonstrated experience with participatory training facilitation
Skilled in behavior change methods that may require implementing new and perhaps unfamiliar technologies in the field
Able to be stationed in the appropriate base of the Project site for the duration of the Project
A valid motorcycle license with a history of safe motorcycle operation (preferable) OR an ability and willingness to take courses and obtain a motorcycle license
Fluency in spoken and written English and preferably the local language(s)
Excellent computer skills including Excel and smart phone utilization
The ideal candidate will also possess the following personal attributes:
Committed leader and team player
Focused, disciplined, and determined
Friendly and enthusiastic
Innovative and collaborative
Open to new ideas
Patient and flexible
Able to effectively manage multiple project leaders and participants
Ability to work with communities in rural areas.

Jon Title: Assistant Technician (2)
Location: Singida 
Reports to: Lead Technician 

Assistant technician his/her Core duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited helping Lead technician to:
Identify and mobilize Farmer Groups and Lead Farmers for participation in the Project;
Develop project plans for all participating Farmer Groups that account for all Project activities, training events, monitoring & evaluation, reporting, extension activities, provide technical support and effectively manages all activities in accordance with the schedule and Project budget and collecting M&E data.
Ensure timely data collection and report submissions on all program activities, per TREES reporting requirements and deadlines;
Manage Project finances according to Project budget;
Ensure that the Project effectively and efficiently meets milestones and goals per the project scope, timeline, and budget;
Assist with the development and/or translation of locally appropriate training materials;
Provides information and accomplish additional tasks in a timely manner as requested by the Lead Technician.
The applicant must meet the following minimum professional qualifications to be considered for the position:
Associate’s degree or equivalent, or certificate in relevant field of agroforestry, forestry, agriculture, OR a minimum of three years of demonstrated degree of achievement in agriculture, preferably in agroforestry and sustainable agriculture through demonstrated success and innovation in gardening, forestry, or agroforestry.
Two years’ experience with field project management
Demonstrated experience with participatory training facilitation
Able to be stationed in the appropriate base of the Project site for the duration of the Project
A valid motorcycle license with a history of safe motorcycle operation (preferable) OR an ability and willingness to potentially take courses and obtain a motorcycle license
Fluency in spoken and written English and preferably the local language(s)
Basic computer and smart phone utilization skills
The ideal candidate will also possess the following personal attributes:
Committed leader and team player
Focused, disciplined, and determined
Friendly and enthusiastic
Innovative and collaborative
Open to new ideas
Patient and flexible
Ability to work with communities in rural areas.
Able to effectively manage multiple project leaders and participants.

All posts, An attractive remuneration will be offered to candidate who will qualify for the job.
This is an interesting opportunity for a dedicated and highly motivated Tanzanians. If you would like to join this dynamic team and be part of building resilience and professional carrier, please submit your application to Country Coordinator through or by November 27th 2015 16:30 East African time. Your application should include an updated CV and application letter which should include contacts information for three work-related referees.

Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

JOBS IN SINGIDA , TANZANIA , 11/25/2015 JOBS IN SINGIDA , TANZANIA , 11/25/2015 Reviewed by Unknown on 6:55:00 AM Rating: 5
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