Team Members – CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement

Call for Expression of Interest, Evaluation of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (Team Members)


In 2011, CGIAR introduced a new Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) as a result of the reform process. This has provided a framework for the development of seven thematic areas of research, within which mega-programs called now CGIAR Research Programs have been formulated. The Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA) of CGIAR is currently planning the first evaluation of CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. The Program, approved in April 2011, and foreseen to be carried out over the next decade, is an integrated global research initiative that aims to enhance the management and use of forests, agroforestry and tree genetic resources as a way to improve livelihoods and sustain environmental values. It is a very large program that spans across a wide range of topics, from small-scale production technologies through to international trade and global conventions, with multiple partnerships, and with a diverse set of strategies to achieve impact. ForestsTreesAgroforestry brings together four members of the CGIAR Consortium—ICRAF, CIFOR, CIAT and Bioversity— with a budget of US$ 232.9 million for the first 3 years.
ForestsTreesAgroforestry will primarily contribute to reduce rural poverty, increase food security and more sustainable management of natural resources, but research is also supposed to contribute, to a lesser extent, to improve nutrition and health.  Finally, it should contribute to meeting explicit gender and capacity building related goals of CGIAR.
ForestsTreesAgroforestry is complex, with multiple pathways to impact at the component and theme levels. It is intended that the main research products will be international public goods: knowledge, technology, and institutional and policy innovations that are relevant and useful throughout the tropics and beyond. Much of the research is grounded in case studies and comparative analyses. This research is also expected to contribute to positive change by helping to address constraints and realize opportunities directly in the countries, sites and systems where the research is carried out. ForestsTreesAgroforestry intends to contribute to achieving impact by: influencing global and national research and development agendas; giving due attention to the needs of all stakeholders (gender, diversity issues); developing new research approaches and methods; networking and coordinating with other actors in the knowledge-to-action process, and; helping to strengthen the capacity of developing country institutions and individuals to generate and apply knowledge more effectively.
Five components form the core of the program’s research and impact strategies:
  1. Smallholder production systems and markets
  2. Management and conservation of forest and tree resources
  3. Landscape management for environmental services, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods
  4. Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  5. Impacts of trade and investment on forests and people
At this mid-term phase of program implementation, the evaluation approach will be formative and forward-looking reviewing inter alia, progress made so far towards results, gender mainstreaming, governance and partnership aspects as well as other innovative modalities of work introduced with the Reform. The results of the evaluation should be ready in early 2014 and are expected to provide inputs to the revision of the program strategy.
The evaluation will cover all research activities of ForestsTreesAgroforestry and related processes.  The evaluation period is from 2011 to mid-2013 but includes also planning and research activities preceding the formulation of ForestsTreesAgroforestry which are an integral part of the programme.

The Evaluation

The evaluation is scheduled to take place between June 2013 and April 2014, with an intensive phase for the conduct of the evaluation foreseen starting in September 2013. The work will be conducted by a team of independent experts led by a Team Leader. The experts will between them have extensive and proven experience at international level, working for international and development agencies, on issues, programs and policies related to forest and trees and forest and tree dependent people and in research. They will have an excellent understanding and knowledge of the international debate on forestry and related issues, such as natural resources conservation and climate change. They will also have demonstrated knowledge of the main global institutions involved in forestry and an understanding of the interface and integration with agriculture. The team is likely to include in addition to the team leader, 3-4 experts with the technical expertise to adequately cover between them the five components of the program (see Background section above), as well as the following transversal issues:
  • sociological and gender issues
  • research planning, methods and management
  • research institution, research program and partnership governance, organization and management
  • communication and partnership for policy change and implementation
Comprehensive Terms of Reference are currently being prepared by the IEA in consultation with relevant stakeholders. The experts will work in close collaboration with the Evaluation Team Leader, with the Head of the IEA, who will manage the evaluation and IEA research assistant who will provide support to the team.
The assignment will require approximately 50 to 70 working days, including travel and work at home-station, spread over the period June 2013 to March 2014.

Essential Qualifications of experts

  • Strong academic and research background;
  • At least 10 years of extensive and proven experience at international level, working for development agencies or with a strong focus on developing countries, research programmes and policies related to one or more of the areas and issues to be covered by the evaluation;
  • Excellent understanding and knowledge of the international debate on the key issues related to forest and natural resources conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, the forestry economy, etc.;
  • Good knowledge of the main international development and research institutions and mechanisms involved in forestry and agro forestry;
  • Excellent writing skills in English and good verbal communication skills.

Desirable Qualifications

  • Previous experience conducting/taking part in independent evaluations;
  • Knowledge of the CGIAR reform and current structure.

Application Process

Interested candidates should send their application by 30 March, 2013, to the email address CGIAR-IEA-opportunities (at)
Applications should be composed of the candidate’s detailed Curriculum Vitae, and should include:
  • Information on sex, age, and nationality;
  • Expected daily fee rate (exclusive of travel expenses);[1]
  • Availability between June 2013 to March 2014.

[1]Candidates will be required to provide evidence of rates on previous employment
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