Twiga Bancorp Limited Financial Accountant

Twiga Bancorp Limited (TBCL) is a' fast growing Non-Bank Financial Institution established under the Banking and Financial Institution Act (1991) to carry out all banking business with the exception of taking deposit on Current Accounts. The Institution has five Branches, two in Dar es Salaam and one each in Arusha, Dodoma and Mwanza, and sub -Branch at the Julius Nyerere international Air port and Nyerere Memorial Academy Kigamboni, Dares Salaam. The Institution is in the process of managing change by reengineering its organization structure, introducing new products and reinforcing efficiency and professionalism in its operations.
Appointing Authority: Board of Directors,
Salary Scale: TBSS.11
Responsible To: Head of Finance And Administrative Services
Entry Qualifications:
Holder of Master's Degree in Accounting, Finance or equivalent with CPA (T), from a recognized professional Institution with not less than 9 years relevant working experience in a reputable firm, 3 of which should be at Senior Managerial level. Must have been registered by NBAA as authorized/certified Public Accountant.
Duties And Responsibilities
Assist in performing all tasks necessary to achieve the organization's mission and help execute staff succession and growth plans.
Train the Finance Unit and other staff on raising awareness and knowledge of financial management matters.
Advise on the strategic vision including fostering and cultivating stakeholder relationships as well as assisting in the development and negotiation of contracts.
Participate in developing new business, specifically: assist the CEO and Heap of Operations in identifying new funding opportunities, the drafting of prospective programmatic budgets, and determining cost effectiveness of prospective service delivery.
Assess the benefits of all prospective contracts and advise the Executive Team on programmatic design and implementation matters.
Ensure adequate controls are installed and that substantiating documentation is approved and available such that all purchases may \ pass independent and governmental audits.
Oversee the management and. coordination of all fiscal reporting activities for the organization including: organizational revenue/expense and balance sheet reports, reports to funding agencies, development and monitoring of organizational and contract/grant budgets.
Oversee all purchasing and payroll activity for staff and participants. Develop and maintain systems of internal controls to safeguard financial assets of the organization and oversee federal awards and programs. Monitor banking activities of the organization.
Ensure adequate cash flow to meet the organization's needs. Investigate cost-effective benefit plans and other fringe benefits which the organization may offer employees and potential employees with the goal of attracting and retaining qualified individuals.
Oversee the production of monthly reports including reconciliations with funders and pension plan requirements, as well as financial statements and cash flow projections for use by Management, as well as the Audit Committee of the Board and full Board of Directors.
Assist in the design, implementation, and timely calculations of wage incentives, commissions, and salaries for the staff.
Oversee Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable and ensure a disaster recovery plan is in place.
Oversee business insurance plans and health care coverage analysis. Oversee the maintenance of the inventory of all fixed assets, including assets purchased with government funds (computers, etc.) assuring all are in accordance with federal regulations.
Perform any other duties as may be assigned by Head of Finance and Administrative Services.        

Application Instructions:
Applications should include the following:
Typed Letter of application signed by the applicant Detailed CV's of the applicant
Photocopies of relevant Certificates
Two recent passport sized photographs of the applicant
Name of at least two referees with complete contact details including office and residential address, postal Address, Fax number, telephone/ mobile telephone numbers and E-mail address,
Attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate,
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview
Applications should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
Twiga Bancorp Limited,
P.O,Box 10119
Dar es Salaam

To reach him not later than two weeks after first publication of the advert
Phone: No Calls Please
Area: Dar Es Salaam
Application Deadline: Apr 04, 2013
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