Logistics and Administration Officer – Galkayo

Logistics and Administration Officer – Galkayo
Adeso is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Logistics and Administration Officer in Galkayo, Somalia. The incumbent will be responsible for management of agency and rented vehicles, providing required logistical and procurement support to programs, daily coordination of procurement activities, preparation of status reports on deliveries for procurement, logistics and office management, and keeping records of suppliers. The incumbent will also assist in developing appropriate project planning and implementation mechanisms, support the administrative management of projects, produce bi-weekly reports in English and Somali on the security situation in project sites and monitor local and national news, translating appropriate information into daily updates.
Closing date 28 March 2013
Logistics and Administration Officer – Galkayo Logistics and Administration Officer – Galkayo Reviewed by Unknown on 8:01:00 AM Rating: 5
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