International Rescue Committee RRMP Manager – Quality

The RRMP Manager – Quality (Réponse rapide aux mouvements de population) is responsible for the systematic monitoring of emergency interventions, capacity-building of emergency relief staff, and the mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues such as gender and protection in all emergency interventions. The RRMP Manager – Quality will be based in Bukavu, but will spend at least 50% of his/her time in various field locations in South Kivu.
Needs assessments: • Plays a leading role in design of tools and methodologies for multisectoral assessments to identify the needs of populations in emergency situations; • Leads fields missions (by RRMP or several agencies) to apply the above-mentioned methodologies and assess the humanitarian situation in specific areas; • Ensures timely, accurate and comprehensive reporting of assessment findings to partner agencies. • Ensure full-fledged presentations of the finding of the multisectoral assessment to humanitarian community (Clusters);
Monitoring & evaluation: • Plays a leading role in close coordination with the RRMP Programme Manager –Assistant coordinator in design of tools and methodologies for the monitoring and evaluation of the implemented humanitarian assistance activities; • Plays a leading role, in close coordination with the RRMP Programme Manager –Assistant coordinator, in the implementation of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mission of RRMP activities (NFI& environmental health& evaluation team) at field level. • Ensures that collected M&E data are used to continuously update and improve technical standards.
Capacity building: • Based on the findings of the RRMP’s systematic M&E, designs and applies training modules to build the technical capacity of the emergency relief team to enable them to better meet quality standards and thus comply with the IRC’s program framework as well as other reference documents. • Identifies external training and learning opportunities for IRC’s emergency relief staff that respond to key needs in terms of capacity building to address weaknesses identified through M&E of RRMP interventions.
Mainstreaming • Plays a leading role in, in close coordination with the RRMP Programme Manager –Assistant coordinator, the design and implementation of strategies to systematically mainstream cross-cutting issues such as gender and protection into IRC’s emergency relief interventions.
Reporting: • Works closely with the Grants Manager to ensure timely and quality donor reporting.
This position reports the RRMP Coordinator and collaborates closely with the RRMP Manager – Operations, the HR/Admin Manager and the Grants Manager.
REQUIREMENTS • University degree; preferably an advanced degree in an appropriate field such as International Relations or Development Studies. • Minimum of 2 years overseas experience, preferably in emergency settings and with international humanitarian organizations. • Fluency in both French and English required.
• Excellent leadership, program management, organizational, interpersonal and communication skills. • Must be able to work independently while being a strong team player. • Ability to live and productively work under stress and in insecure and harsh environments. • Ability to multitask, to improvise, be flexible and show cultural sensitivity.
Security Situation / Housing: The security situation in South Kivu continues to be volatile and is characterized by latent but persistent conflict between different armed groups as well as more general crime. Security measures are in place (guarded compounds, movement restrictions, communication systems, etc). IRC expatriate staff live in team houses. This position is unaccompanied.
International Rescue Committee RRMP Manager – Quality  International Rescue Committee RRMP Manager – Quality Reviewed by Unknown on 8:18:00 AM Rating: 5
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