International Consultant on International Networking Advisory Services

UNDP Turkey works for Democratic Governance and Growth without Poverty. For more than 50 years the UNDP has worked in close partnership with the Turkish Government and numerous national and international institutions, including NGOs, academics and the business community. UNDP Turkey aims to find practical solutions to Turkey's development challenges and manages projects together with the Turkish Government and other partners to address them.
UNDP and GAP Regional Development Administration (GAP RDA) have been cooperating on sustainable human development since mid 90s. One of the landmarks of the longstanding partnership of GAP RDA and UNDP is the Competitiveness Agenda, which was produced within the scope of an EU-funded project in 2007. The vision of the Competitiveness Agenda is to make the Southeast Anatolia Region, which is known as the cradle of civilizations, the cradle of sustainable civilizations.
Upon adoption of the Competitiveness Agenda by the Government of Turkey, this ambitious vision was translated into actionable strategies, which included, inter alia, better utilization of the Region’s renewable energy and energy efficiency potential. Consecutively UNDP and GAP RDA launched several projects, all which were designed to progress towards the aforementioned ambitious vision. One of such projects is the Utilization of Renewable Energy (RE) Resources and Increasing Energy Efficiency (EE) in the Southeast Anatolia Region (REEE Project). Within first phase of the two-phased REEE Project, several diagnostic studies were conducted; feasibility studies were undertaken to identify the most rewarding opportunities, and ultimately a Regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy Paper was produced. The second phase of the REEE Project is mainly geared towards implementation of this strategy, and the action plan that complements the said strategy.
An important element of this strategy is “internationalization” of the universities in the Region, by integrating them into the international research and business networks. The focus here is on the Harran University, which is presently establishing an applied research center on REEE (GAP-YENEV). With the facilitation of UNDP and GAP RDA, Harran University has already established a fruitful partnership with Danish Technological Institute (DTI). DTI is helping Harran University develop a business model for GAP-YENEV.
Another important element of the strategy is using RE (mostly solar) in agricultural irrigation. Turkey is a net energy importer, and imports of energy accounts for roughly 60-70% of Turkey’s current account deficit. Agriculture is intensively practiced in the Region and accounts for a significant share of the Region’s energy bill. UNDP and GAP RDA are presently piloting solar-powered irrigation systems in 5 different locations in the Region. These are micro-scale systems and will need to be scaled up for wider and more efficient deployment initially within the Region and later across the whole country.
Last but not the least, the Regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy Paper recommends improvement of Region’s entrepreneurial and innovative capacity. A recently emerged opportunity in this field is energy efficiency applications for the new buildings to be constructed within the scope of urban regeneration projects in the Region.
All these elements, summarized above, are important for successful implementation of the Regional REEE Strategy, and require receipt of professional services for facilitation of international partnerships. 

Duties and Responsibilities

The objective of the Assignment is to GAP RDA for implementation of the international aspect of the Regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy. The professional services to be procured will include, inter alia, facilitation of partnerships between the regional actors (e.g. GAP RDA, regional development agencies, universities, companies etc.) and international actors.
The IC is expected to invest 100 days (indicatively; Output 1: 20 days, Output 2: 30 days and Output 3: 50 days) for the entire Assignment. This UNDP’s estimate, based on the tasks, defined above, against the minimum required qualifications defined below. Interested prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to make their own calculations.
The Assignment is expected to be launched in April 2013 and be completed by the end of December 2013. 
Due to the nature of the Assignment, IC’s place of residence/work will be considered his/her duty station. 
Output 1: International Networking Strategy and Action Plan (INSAP)
(Estimated Time Frame: May 2013)
Payment:  Based on IC’s price proposal, but not to exceed 20% of the total contract amount
Output 2: Formalized International Partnerships (FIPs)
(Estimated Time Frame: July 2013)
Payment: Based on IC’s price proposal, but not to exceed 30% of the contract amount (may be paid in two installments, each installment corresponding to a formalized partnership)
Output 3: International Networking and Brokerage Services
(On a monthly basis)
Payment: Based on IC’s price proposal, but not less than 50% of the total contract amount, to be paid in 9 equal installments on a monthly basis.


Core Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Planning and Organizing:
  • Ability to plan work assignments, establish priorities and to meet strict assignment deadlines.
Coordination and monitoring:
  • Ability to build strong relationships with clients and to focus on impact and results.
  • Ability to manage inclusive processes (consultations with stakeholders)
  • Compelling communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports, formulate and defend sound recommendations and articulate options concisely conveying maximum necessary information.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; capacity to recognize and respond appropriately to the ideas, interests and concerns of others.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. 

Required Skills and Experience

  • University degree, advanced degree is an asset
General Professional Experience
  • More than 10 years of general professional experience, more than 15 years is an asset
  • More than 5 years of international professional experience, more than 5 years is an asset
  • Excellent computer skills
Specific Professional Experience
  • More than 10 years of specific professional experience in int’l business and research and partnership brokerage,
  • Experience in provision of high-level consultancy and/or advisory to or in management boards of int’l companies is an asset
  • Proven track record of access to international business and research networks on RE&EE is an asset
  • Access to networks of leading international businesses and research communities in the field of RE&EE, venture capital companies, business angels etc. is an asset
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in English,
The evaluation will be based on cumulative analysis (i.e. technical qualifications and price proposal). The weight of the technical criteria is 70%; the weight of the financial proposal is 30%. Candidates that obtain a minimum of 70 pts out of a maximum 100 pts will be considered for the financial evaluation. Candidates that do not meet the minimum requirements will be disqualified.
Technical (Maximum Points: 100 pts, Weight: 70%, Weighted Score:70 pts)
General Qualifications (Maximum Points: 10 pts, Weight: 7%)
General Professional Experience (Maximum Points: 30 pts, Weight: 21%)
Specific Professional Experience (Maximum Points: 60 pts, Weight: 42%)
Financial (Maximum Points: 100 pts, Weight: 30%, Weighted Score: 30 pts)
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
  • A one-page Letter of Interest, explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
  • Financial Proposal (please see section 5, below and Annex II)
  • Personal CV, including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references
(A detailed Terms of Reference can be found at:
FC: 30071

International Consultant on International Networking Advisory Services International Consultant on International Networking Advisory Services Reviewed by Unknown on 8:31:00 AM Rating: 5
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