Government of Rwanda Investigator

Position title: INVESTIGATOR 1. Core mission of Position: Provide technical Support in matters of investigation of Criminal Cases 2. Service Agency: National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA) 3. Specific tasks: a. Work with Genocide Fugitives Tracking Unit/NPPA b. Suggest technical trainings that can benefit GFTU investigators. c. Train investigators in modern investigations techniques d. Any other technique that the expert may deem necessary to upgrade the investigating skills. e. Any other work, the Prosecutor General and the Head of GFTU would suggest the expert to do for the benefit of through running of the investigations. 4. Required Profiles a. Having 5 year of experience in international criminal law preferably having worked with UN courts (ICTR,ICTY) b. Minimum Master’s degree in law c. Be familiar with conducting Criminal Investigations d. Having a good knowledge of English and French e. Well knowledgeable in penal process and procedures. 5. Reporting line: The Investigator will report to the head of the Genocide Fugitive Tracking Unit.
How to apply:
Application files shall include the following: 1. Application/motivation letters with supporting documents justifying the adequacy of the application with the requirements of the post concerned, Certified copy of the latest academic qualifications 2 2. Complete curriculum vitae, three reference names and their contacts. 3. The above mentioned documents shall be submitted in one original and twocopies. Only candidates strictly fulfilling the requirements for the posts and having fully justified their choice for one of the positions shall be admitted for deeper evaluation and possibly invited for written examination and/or additional interview. No reply letter is provided for applications rejected by the selections subcommittee of evaluation and no correspondence concerning the issue of recruitment shall be exchanged with potential candidates. Address and deadline for application. Interested candidates may get more information for the post they are interested in at the notice board of Prosecution and Website of the Supreme Court. Applications in French or English to be put in envelops, properly marked with the position title of the vacancy being applied and sent to the following address, before 22 April 2013, 17hr00 local time: Anne GAHONGAYIRE Secretary General Judiciary of Rwanda PS. For more information about these positions, we invite you to visit the websites follows: E-mail:
Government of Rwanda Investigator Government of Rwanda Investigator Reviewed by Unknown on 12:38:00 PM Rating: 5
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