Consultancy: Inspectorate Management Information System , Tanzania

The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Tanzania, is seeking the services of an International consultant to provide technical leadership in implementing the planning phase of an action plan for establishing an Inspectorate Management Information System in Tanzania.
Title: Consultant
Purpose: Provide technical leadership in implementing the planning phase of an action plan for establishing an Inspectorate Management Information System in Tanzania
Expected fee: P4 level
Location: Dar Es Salaam
Duration: 55 days, April-September 2013
Start Date: 21 April 2013
Reporting to: Dr. Noel Ihebuzor, Section Chief, Education Equity and Quality (EQUAL) Program, UNICEF, Tanzania
Despite a dramatic rise in the primary net enrolment ratio (PNER) and the near-achievement of Universal Primary Education (UPE), the quality of primary education has shown a marked decline in recent years. At the same time, the critically important role played by school inspection in ensuring quality development and quality assurance is undermined by several constraints. Among these is the Inspectorate’s capacity – in spite of its strong institutional presence at various levels in the administrative hierarchy – to collect, capture, analyze and report school level quality assurance data. A response to this major constraint to the delivery of effective school inspection is the development of an Inspectorate Management Information System (IMIS), an intervention which extends UNICEF’s long-standing support to the Inspectorate in Tanzania and takes place within the framework of the United Nations Development Program.
The IMIS is conceptualized as a system to establish a computerized quality assurance information base for basic education. Such a system should be fully integrated and institutionalized within the framework of Tanzania’s Education Sector Management Information System (ESMIS), which extends across the sector, covering pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult and non-formal, vocational, technical and higher education. As a system, the IMIS comprises: the ‘IMIS cycle’ methodology; tools for data collection; a single database building application to facilitate the development of a harmonized database for data processing, querying and reporting; automated quality assurance reports; and a network of capacitated school inspectors and ward education coordinators (WECs) to manage and use the system. The IMIS thus constitutes a sub-database of ESMIS and functions as a ‘sister’ database to the existing decentralized sub-sector database for basic education, namely the Basic Education Management Information System (BEMIS), currently being scaled up country-wide within the framework of the Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP-II).
Thus far, UNICEF has provided international technical assistance to the Inspectorate, MoEVT, for the development, conceptualization and the design of Tanzania’s IMIS. This has resulted in:
  • A conceptual framework and overall IMIS methodology;
  • The Whole School Evaluation Schedule, including data collection formats for both school supervision and school inspection;
  • Draft Quality Assurance benchmarks/indicators for school supervision and inspection;
  • A pre-/post pilot capacity assessment methodology and tools; and
  • IMIS Handbook Modules 1-3: (1) IMIS Concept (2) Planning the Basic Education IMIS scale-up (including IMIS for Pre-primary and Secondary education) (3) Using the Whole School Evaluation Schedule: Data Collection; drafting an outline for subsequent Handbook modules:
  • A costed work plan for the IMIS pilot implementation phase and recommendations for scale up.
Additionally, a strategy has been developed for IMIS data use in strengthened school-based management (SSBM), including the testing of low- and high-intensity report dissemination methods to enhance public accountability in education service delivery.
The IMIS project is now entering Stage 1 of the implementation phase (April – September 2013), whereby the IMIS pilot project work plan will be operationalized in Unicef former 7 Learning Districts in Tanzania. Pilot project implementation will include the following activities.
  • Providing an orientation for LGA staff and school inspectors on the IMIS pilot projects;
  • Developing a Ward-level action plan for implementing modalities for SSBM and community-level accountability;
  • Procuring required equipment for SSBM and establishing community learning centers in 4 selected Wards in the 7 Learning Districts;
  • Finalization of training materials, namely, the IMIS Handbook;
  • Training school inspectors and WECs in administering the IMIS Evaluation Schedule (data collection instruments for school supervision; and collecting data for 2012-13;
  • Training school inspectors / IT specialists in data entry; and capturing data in the system;
  • Importing the IMIS database from district to national level, and consolidating and cleaning the database within the national ESMIS framework
Stage 1 of pilot project implementation will be followed by Stage 2 , including the following activities: Training School Inspectors and Head-teachers in producing and using the reports; implementing SSBM (low- / high-intensity report dissemination and community-level feedback) activities in 4 selected Wards in the 7 Learning Districts; producing national Inspectorate Evaluation analysis report; conducting the pilot Evaluation.
Specific Tasks
The consultant will provide technical leadership during Stage 1 of pilot project implementation. Such a role will include the continued design of training material, facilitating IMIS capacity development, and ongoing revision and refinement of IMIS conceptualization, the ‘IMIS cycle’ methodology and the Whole School Evaluation Schedule. The consultant will also collaborate closely with an IT expert, recruited to develop the database application, specifically in respect of the application modules for data capture and reporting.
The consultant’s major tasks in order of sequence are as follows:
  • Review and revise an IMIS Orientation package, and document feedback from LGAs and School Inspectors on the scope and potential of IMIS in Tanzania.
  • Analyze Ward-level action plans for SSBM and community level accountability, and identify a way forward for the SSBM strategy, including monitoring the establishment of SSBM community learning centers.
  • Finalize the IMIS Handbook.
  • Conduct capacity development for school inspectors and WECs in administering the IMIS Evaluation Schedule (data collection instruments for school supervision); and produce a consolidated data collection plan;
  • Assist IT specialist(s) in building capacities school inspectors / IT specialists in data entry; and capturing data in the system.
  • Developing a scale-able mechanism for importing the IMIS database from district to national level, and consolidating and cleaning the database within the national ESMIS framework
In terms of geographic coverage, the work will be carried out at the national level and select ESMIS districts in mainland Tanzania, preferably the existing UNICEF Learning Districts. In the carrying out of the tasks both in Dar-Es-Salaam and selected districts the consultant will be supported by a select team from the Ministry of Education and Vocation Training (MoEVT) specifically in the carrying out capacity assessment of school inspectors, analysis of ward level action plans for SSBM and community level accountability and review of IMIS orientation package and obtaining feedback from LGAs on potential of IMIS in Tanzania.
Expected Deliverables
  • Revised Orientation Package (based on feedback from LGAs and School Inspectors); consolidated SSBM Ward-level Work plan to strengthen School Committees / community-level accountability through the dissemination and use of IMIS school performance and district inspection reports. (End-April, 15 days).
  • Draft IMIS Handbook modules: (4) Using the IMIS database software: Data entry and report production; (5) Disseminating and Using IMIS Reports for school-based planning and information-for-accountability. (End-May, 15 days).
  • Report on Data Collection Training Workshop in use of the Evaluation Schedule and consolidated data collection work plan. (End-June 10 days).
  • Consolidated and cleaned IMIS database, integrated into the national ESMIS, including all school supervision and data entered in the system for the former Unicef 7 Learning Districts. (End-September, 15 Days).
The consultant will report to the UNICEF Education Section Chief, but will be guided by the Chief Inspector of Schools and a National Steering Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation, to which he/she will also report. The Consultant will be required to provide monthly periodic progress reports to the responsible IMIS programme officer at UNICEF as well as reports on key deliverables as highlighted above.
Expected background and Experience
  • At least a Masters level qualification in Social Sciences, Humanities or relevant to the development of Management Information Systems, preferably in the Education Sector.
  • More than 10 years multi-country experience in Management Information System development relevant to social development. Experience of working with ESMIS in Tanzania is highly desirable.
  • Excellent understanding of development sector planning, monitoring and evaluation issues, including an understanding of ongoing IMIS development.
  • An excellent knowledge of current and emerging Information and Communication Technologies, including database management, web and mobile technologies.
  • A good mastery of English is essential and familiarity with international organizations, particularly the UN, would be an advantage. Candidates will be required to provide evidence of previous relevant work.
  • Good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills, report writing skills, prior work experience in Tanzania will be an added advantage..
General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics
  • Whenever possible UNICEF will make provisional arrangements for office space for the consultant when working in Dar-Es-Salaam. However given to chronic shortage of office space the consultant is encouraged to make own working space arrangements. Consultant should provide his/her own materials, i.e. computer, office supplies, etc.
  • UNICEF will provide access to UNICEF transport for scheduled field visits as per agreed travel plan with the supervisor.
  • Final payment to the consultant will depend on the completion of deliverables as well as hand-over notes and submission of a consultancy evaluation. Payment will be on daily basis for the days highlighted in the Terms of reference (55 days).
Candidates for this position will be required to provide:
  • A CV and covering letter and;
  • A bid for the consultancy.
How to apply:
Candidates who have the required qualifications and experience, should submit their applications by email to the Human Resources Manager, UNICEF Tanzania Country Office, Dar es Salaam indicating clearly Consultancy Number 2013-04 Email: by the 04 April 2013.
All applications should be accompanied with a copy of the CV and a cover letter. Please DO NOT attach copies of your certificates/diplomas. (Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted).
Female candidates are encouraged to apply.
Consultancy: Inspectorate Management Information System , Tanzania Consultancy: Inspectorate Management Information System , Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 12:01:00 PM Rating: 5
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